Master Data Structures & Algorithms – Step-by-Step DSA Guide
Course Content
01 Week 1: Analysis of Algorithm, Mathematics, Bit Manipulation & Arrays
Class 1: Analysis of Algorithm, Mathematics & Bit Manipulation
Asymptotic Analysis
Time and Space Complexity
Masters Theorem
Bitwise Operators (Bitwise AND, Bitwise OR, Bitwise XOR, Left Shift, Right Shift, etc )
Problems: GCD and LCM, Iterative Power, Generate Power Set, etc
Class 2: Arrays
Arrays – Introduction and Advantages
Types of Arrays
Operations of Arrays – Searching, Insertion, and Deletion
Sliding Window Technique
Problems: Largest Element in an Array, Leaders in an Array Problem, Maximum Subarray Sum, etc
02 Week 2: Recursion, Backtracking & Searching
Class 1: Recursion and Backtracking
Introduction to Recursion
Writing Base Cases in Recursion
Tail Recursion
Introduction to Backtracking
Problems: Print 1 to N Using Recursion, Rope Cutting Problem, Rat in a Maze, etc
Class 2: Searching
Linear Search
Binary Search – Iterative and Recursive Approach
Analysis of Binary Search
Two Pointer Approach
Problems: Index of the first Occurrence in SortedArray, Count 1s in a Sorted Binary Array, Square root of a number, etc
03 Week 3: Sorting, Matrix & Hashing
Class 1: Sorting
Overview of the Sorting Algorithm
Sorting Algorithms e.g. Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort with Analysis
Stability of Sorting Algorithms
Problems: Minimum Difference in an Array, Chocolate Distribution Problem, etc
Class 2: Matrix and Hashing
Multidimensional Array
Passing 2D Arrays as an argument
Hashing Introduction, applications, and analysis
Collision Handling
Hashing Function
Problems: Transpose of a Matrix, Matrix in Snake Pattern, Count Distinct Elements, Frequencies of Array Elements, etc
04 Week 4: Strings and Linked List
Class 1: Strings
String Introduction
Overview of Pattern Searching Algorithm
Naive and Improved Naive Pattern Searching
Rabin Karp Algorithm
KMP Algorithm (Constructing LPS Array and Complete Algorithms)
Problems: Palindrome Check, Reverse words in a string, Anagram Search, etc
Class 2: Linked List
Introduction to Linked List
Traversing a Linked List
Insertion and Deletion of Node in Linked List
Doubly Linked List and Circular Linked List
Problems: Middle of Linked List, Deleting a Node without accessing Head pointer of Linked List, etc
05 Week 5: Stack, Queue & Deque
Class 1: Stack
Stack – Introduction and Applications
Stack Operations (e.g. push, pop, etc)
Array Implementation of Stack
Linked List Implementation of Stack
Problems: Balanced Parenthesis, Next Greater Element, etc
Class 2: Queue and Deque
Queue – Introduction and Application
Implementation of Queue using Array
Implementation of Queue using Linked List
Deque – Introduction and Application
Problems: Generate Numbers with Gven Dgits, First Circular Tour, etc
06 Week 6: Tree and Binary Search Tree
Class 1: Tree
Tree – Introduction and Application
Introduction to Binary Tree
Tree Traversal – Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder with Implementation
Level Order Traversal
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree
Problems: Height of a Binary Tree, Diameter of a Binary Tree, etc
Class 2: Binary Search Tree
BST – Introduction and Application
Search in BST with Implementation
Insert in BST with Implementation
Deletion in BST with Implementation
Self Balancing BST – AVL Tree, Red Black Tree
Problems: Find Kth Smallest in BST, Vertical Sum in Binary Tree, Floor in BST, etc
07 Week 7: Greedy, Heap and Graph
Class 1: Greedy and Heap
Introduction to Greedy Algorithm
Binary Heap – Introduction
Binary Heap – Insertion, Heapify, and Extract
Binary Heap – Decrease, Delete and Build Heap
Heap Sort
Priority Queue
Problems: Activity Selection Problem, Job Sequencing Problem, Sort K Sorted Arrays, etc
Class 2: Graph
Introduction to Graph
Graph Representation(Adjacency List and Matrix)
Adjacency Matrix and List Comparison
Breadth First Search – Introduction and Implementation
Depth First Search – Introduction and Implementation
Prims Algorithm – Introduction and Implementation
Dijkstra Algorithm – Introduction and Implementation
Problems: Bridges in Graph, Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph, etc
08 Week 8: Graph(Advanced) and Dynamic Programming
Class 1: Graph (Advanced)
Kruskal’s Algorithm
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Problems: Strongly Connected Components, Find the No. of Islands, etc
Class 2: Dynamic Programming
Introduction to Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming Approach vs Greedy Approach
How to approach a DP Problem
Memoization and Tabulation methods
Problems: Coin Change Problem, Longest Common Subsequence, Subset Sum Problem, etc
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