Command-Line Arguments in C

Command-line arguments are a way to pass input parameters to your program when it starts. These arguments are passed to the main() function of your program via parameters, enabling you to customize the behavior of the program based on user input.

At SamagraCS Educational Technology, we’ll guide you through understanding command-line arguments in C, provide a program example, and explain how to run the program with command-line arguments on Windows using the Command Prompt.

What Are Command-Line Arguments?

Command-line arguments allow the user to pass values to the program when it is executed from the command line. In C, these arguments are passed to the main() function through two parameters:

  • int argc: Argument count (number of command-line arguments, including the program name).
  • char *argv[]: Argument vector (an array of strings representing the actual arguments).

Syntax of main() with Command-Line Arguments:

  • argc: Number of arguments passed. The first argument (index 0) is always the program name.
  • argv[]: Array of strings (character pointers), where each element contains one argument.

Command-Line Arguments Program Example

Let’s write a simple program that demonstrates the use of command-line arguments. The program will take two numbers as arguments, perform a basic operation (e.g., addition), and print the result.



  • The program expects two arguments from the user: num1 and num2.
  • The argc variable is checked to ensure the correct number of arguments are provided.
  • The arguments argv[1] and argv[2] are converted from strings to integers using atoi().
  • The program then calculates the sum of the two numbers and prints the result.

Steps to Run the Program with Command-Line Arguments on Windows

Step 1: Save the Program

Step 2: Open the Command Prompt

  • Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter to open the Command Prompt window.
  • Navigate to the directory where your C file is saved. Use the cd command to change directories:

Step 3: Compile the Program

Use the gcc command to compile the program if you have GCC installed. You can install MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) if you don’t have it.

  • Compile the program using the following command:

This will create an executable file named cmd_args_example.exe.

Step 4: Run the Program with Command-Line Arguments

After compiling, run the program by passing two arguments:

  • Command to run the program:

This command passes the numbers 5 and 10 as arguments to the program. The output will be:

Step 5: Running the Program with Incorrect Arguments

Try running the program without passing any arguments or with too many arguments:

  • Command:


The program checks for the correct number of arguments using argc and prints a usage message if the user doesn’t provide exactly two arguments.

Important Notes about Command-Line Arguments

  1. Argument Count (argc):
  • The first argument (argv[0]) is always the program’s name.
  • In the example above, the argc value is 3, because the program expects two numbers plus the program name.
  1. Argument Vector (argv[]):
  • argv[] is an array of strings, where each argument is stored as a string.
  • Use functions like atoi(), atof(), or strtol() to convert string arguments to numeric values (integers, floats, etc.).
  1. Error Handling:
  • Always check if the correct number of arguments is passed by comparing argc with the expected number of arguments.
  • Provide useful error messages or usage instructions to guide users when they input arguments incorrectly.

Additional Example: Multiple Command-Line Arguments

Here’s another example where the program accepts multiple arguments and calculates the sum of all numbers passed via the command line.


Steps to Run:

  1. Save the program as multi_args_example.c.
  2. Compile:
   gcc multi_args_example.c -o multi_args_example
  1. Run the program with multiple arguments:
   multi_args_example 1 2 3 4 5


Command-line arguments provide flexibility to C programs by allowing users to pass input values directly when executing the program. By using argc and argv[], you can customize how your program behaves based on user input.

At SamagraCS Educational Technology, we believe in practical learning, and command-line arguments are a powerful way to make programs dynamic and interactive. By practicing with the examples provided, you’ll gain confidence in handling user inputs through the command line.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to Pawan & Pooja, or the team. Happy coding and keep learning!

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