JavaScript with Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)
1. JavaScript Fundamentals
- 1.1 Introduction to JavaScript: Basics and Syntax
- 1.2 Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- 1.3 Functions in JavaScript: Declaration, Expression, and Arrow Functions
- 1.4 Control Structures: If-Else, Switch, and Loops
- 1.5 Arrays in JavaScript: Introduction and Operations
- 1.6 String Manipulation in JavaScript
- 1.7 Objects and JSON in JavaScript
- 1.8 ES6 Classes & Inheritance
2. Basic Data Structures & Algorithms
- 2.1 Arrays
- Implementations, Common Operations, and Examples
- 2.2 Strings
- Basic Operations, Common Problems, and Solutions
- 2.3 Linked Lists
- Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List
- 2.4 Stacks & Queues
- Implementing Stacks and Queues using Arrays
- 2.5 Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort
- 2.6 Searching Algorithms
- Linear Search, Binary Search
3. Intermediate Data Structures & Algorithms
- 3.1 Hashing
- Maps, Sets, Collision Handling, and Use Cases
- 3.2 Recursion & Backtracking
- Understanding Recursion, Key Problems, Backtracking Basics
- 3.3 Trees
- Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Tree Traversals
- 3.4 Heaps
- Min-Heap, Max-Heap, Priority Queue Implementation
- 3.5 Graph Algorithms
- Graph Representation (Adjacency List/Matrix)
- BFS, DFS, Topological Sorting
4. Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms
- 4.1 Dynamic Programming (DP)
- Concepts, Memoization, Tabulation
- Key Problems: 0/1 Knapsack, Longest Increasing Subsequence
- 4.2 Advanced Graph Algorithms
- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- 4.3 Tries & Suffix Trees
- Prefix Trees, Applications in String Matching
- 4.4 Segment Trees
- Range Queries, Lazy Propagation Techniques
- 4.5 Bit Manipulation
- Basics, Bitwise Operations, Practical Use Cases
5. Specialized Topics for Job Preparation
- 5.1 Advanced Data Structures
- AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Disjoint Set Union (DSU)
- 5.2 Mathematical Algorithms
- Prime Factorization, GCD, LCM
- 5.3 Greedy Algorithms
- Key Concepts, Real-World Problems, Examples
- 5.4 Divide & Conquer Techniques
- Advanced Problem-Solving Strategies
- 5.5 Mock Interview Practice
- Real Interview Questions Solved with JavaScript
- 5.6 Coding Contests Preparation
- Solving DSA Problems in Competitive Settings
6. Additional Resources
- 6.1 Coding Platforms & Practice
- LeetCode, Codeforces, GeeksforGeeks, etc.
- 6.2 Top 50 JavaScript Interview Problems
- 6.3 Code Optimization Tips for JavaScript
- 6.4 Career & Interview Preparation for MNCs