Pointers to Pointers (Double Pointers) in C

A pointer to a pointer (also known as a double pointer) is a pointer that stores the address of another pointer. This allows for multiple levels of indirection, enabling pointers to manipulate other pointers. Double pointers are especially useful in scenarios where you need to modify the address that a pointer is holding, such as when working with dynamic memory, passing pointers to functions, or manipulating multidimensional arrays.

1. Introduction to Pointers to Pointers

A pointer to a pointer allows you to create multiple levels of indirection, which is essentially a pointer that points to another pointer. In simpler terms, if a pointer holds the address of a variable, a double pointer holds the address of that pointer. This can be extended to even higher levels of pointers (triple pointers, etc.), but double pointers are the most commonly used in C.

  • Pointer (*): Points to a variable.
  • Double Pointer (**): Points to a pointer.


For example:

2. Why Use Double Pointers?

  1. Dynamic Memory Allocation: Double pointers are essential for managing dynamic 2D arrays or other complex data structures.
  2. Modifying a Pointer’s Address: When passing pointers to a function, a double pointer allows you to modify the pointer’s value itself (not just the value it points to).
  3. Multidimensional Arrays: Double pointers are used to handle multidimensional arrays, particularly dynamic arrays where the size is determined at runtime.
  4. Function Arguments: They allow you to pass a pointer to a function and modify the pointer’s value within the function.

3. How Do Double Pointers Work?

A double pointer works by storing the address of another pointer. To dereference a double pointer, you need to use the dereference operator (*) twice to access the original value.

4. Example of a Double Pointer

Declaring and Using a Double Pointer:


  • a is an integer with the value 10.
  • p is a pointer that stores the address of a.
  • pp is a pointer to the pointer p, storing the address of p.
  • Dereferencing pp twice (**pp) gives the value of a, as pp first points to p, which in turn points to a.


5. Double Pointers and Functions

Double pointers are often used to pass pointers to functions where the function needs to modify the original pointer itself, not just the value it points to.

Example: Modifying a Pointer in a Function


  • The function allocateMemory() takes a double pointer (int **ptr) as an argument.
  • Inside the function, memory is allocated using malloc(), and the pointer p in main() is updated to point to this newly allocated memory.
  • By passing the address of p (&p), the function can modify the pointer p itself, not just the value it points to.


6. Double Pointers and Dynamic Multidimensional Arrays

Double pointers are used to dynamically allocate memory for 2D arrays where the size of the array is determined at runtime.

Example: Dynamic 2D Array Allocation Using Double Pointers


  • arr is a double pointer, used to dynamically allocate memory for a 2D array with rows rows and cols columns.
  • Memory is allocated for each row using a loop, and then each row is further assigned a block of memory for the columns.
  • After using the array, the memory is freed properly.


7. Important Points to Remember

  1. Dereferencing: You need to use the dereference operator (*) twice to access the value stored at the address pointed to by a double pointer.
  • **pp gives the value pointed to by the pointer p, which itself is pointed to by pp.
  1. Modifying a Pointer: Double pointers allow you to modify the pointer itself, not just the value it points to. This is useful when passing pointers to functions.
  2. Dynamic Memory Management: Double pointers are often used to dynamically allocate and manage 2D arrays or other complex data structures that require multiple levels of indirection.
  3. Freeing Memory: When using double pointers to manage dynamic memory, make sure to free all allocated memory properly. Free each row before freeing the array of pointers.

Pointers to pointers (double pointers) are a powerful feature in C that allows for multiple levels of indirection, enabling you to manipulate pointers themselves and work with dynamic memory more flexibly. They are essential when working with dynamic data structures, passing pointers to functions, or managing multidimensional arrays. Mastering double pointers can help you write more efficient and complex C programs, particularly when working with dynamic memory allocation.

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