Understanding the Return Statement in C Programming

In C programming, the return statement is used to exit a function and return a value to the function caller. The return statement is an essential part of any function that is designed to provide an output after processing. It also indicates the end of the function’s execution.

Let’s explore the concept of the return statement in detail.

What is the Return Statement?

The return statement is used in a function to:

  1. Exit the function: It terminates the execution of the function.
  2. Return a value to the caller: If the function is expected to return a value, the return statement sends that value back to the caller.

Syntax of Return Statement:

return expression;
  • expression: This is the value or variable that the function will return. If the function does not return any value, the return type is void, and no expression is needed.

Types of Return Statements

  1. Returning a Value
  2. Returning No Value (Void)
  3. Returning Multiple Values (using Pointers)

1. Returning a Value

If a function has a return type like int, float, char, etc., it must return a value of that type. The return statement sends the specified value back to the place where the function was called.

Example: Function Returning a Value


  • The square() function takes an integer as an argument and returns the square of the number using the return statement.
  • The value returned by the function is stored in the result variable and then printed.


2. Returning No Value (Void Functions)

If a function does not need to return any value, its return type is declared as void, and the return statement is not necessary. However, you can still use return; to exit the function early if needed.

Example: Void Function


  • The function print_message() has a void return type, meaning it does not return a value.
  • You can use return; without an expression to simply end the function, but it is optional in a void function.


3. Returning Multiple Values (Using Pointers or Structs)

C functions can only return one value directly, but if you need to return multiple values, you can use pointers or structures to achieve this.

Example: Returning Multiple Values Using Pointers


  • The function calculate() takes two integers and two pointers (*sum and *product).
  • It modifies the values at the addresses passed in main() by using pointers, effectively “returning” multiple values.


How the Return Statement Works

  1. Exit Function: Once a return statement is executed, the function stops, and the control is transferred back to the calling function.
  2. Return Value: If the function has a return type (like int, float, char), the value or expression in the return statement is evaluated and sent back to the calling function.
  3. Void Functions: If a function is declared as void, it does not need to return a value. However, you can still use return; to exit the function early.

Why Use the Return Statement?

  1. To Return Results: Functions often process data and need to send the result back to the caller. The return statement allows this.
  2. To Exit Early: In some cases, you may want to exit a function early if certain conditions are met. The return statement can be used to do this, even in void functions.

Example: Early Exit with Return Statement:


  • If the number is negative, the return statement is used to exit the function early.
  • Otherwise, the function prints the valid number.


Key Points about the Return Statement

  • Return Value: Functions with a return type must return a value of that type.
  • Void Functions: Void functions do not return any value, but can use return; to exit early.
  • Multiple Returns: To “return” multiple values, you can use pointers or structures.
  • Control Flow: The return statement immediately ends the function and returns control to the caller.


  • The return statement in C is used to exit a function and optionally return a value to the calling function.
  • If a function has a return type (like int, float, char), the return statement must return a value of that type.
  • In void functions, the return statement can be used to terminate the function early, though it’s optional.
  • If you need to return multiple values, you can use pointers or structures to modify variables outside the function.

By understanding the return statement, you can make your functions more effective and flexible, enabling them to send back results and exit when needed!

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