Teaching aptitude – ugc net june-2020 question papers solved paper-1
Q1➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 1 In Which level of teaching the learner gets an opportunity |
i ➥ Memory level |
ii ➥ Understanding level |
iii ➥ Reflective level |
iv ➥ Autonomous development level |
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Q2➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 1 During teaching a teacher’s statements that encourage students to elaborate on an answers, either their own or that of others will be called. |
i ➥ Structuring |
ii ➥ Instructional variety |
iii ➥ Engagement in the learning process |
iv ➥ Probing |
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Q3➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 1 What of the following will be called behavioural rather than “attitude and beliefs” related competencies for becoming an effective teacher? A. Locus of control B. Communicating C. Managing and monitoring D. Teacher enthusiasm E. Evaluating and providing feedback Choose the correct answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ A, B and C only |
ii ➥ B, C and D only |
iii ➥ B, C and E only |
iv ➥ C,D and E only |
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Q4➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 1 From the following list of methods of teaching used in institutions of higher learning . identify those which are learner – centered A. Project work B. Chalk and talk C. Lecturing with audio – visual D. Computer – aided instruction E. Simulation and role playing Choose the correct answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ B, C and only |
ii ➥ D and E only |
iii ➥ A,B and C only |
iv ➥ C,D, and E only |
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Q5➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 1 Match List-I with List- II ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ A-III, B- IV, C-II, D-I |
ii ➥ A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV |
iii ➥ A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III |
iv ➥ A-IV, B-III, C-I D-II |
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Q6➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 2 Which of the following are said to be style-related competencies of an effective teacher? A. Organized demeanor which means being orderly, clear and in control B. Literacy which implies general knowledge as well as good at reading and writing C. Self-efficacy which refers to a person՚s self-perceived capacity to perform a task D. Flexibility which means being sensitive and lenient E. Evaluating and providing feedback Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A and D only |
ii ➥ B and C only |
iii ➥ C and D only |
iv ➥ D and E only |
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Q7➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 2 The Phrase T-L model of teaching implies that. |
i ➥ Teaching and learning are independent acts |
ii ➥ Teaching and learning are integrally related acts |
iii ➥ Teaching aims at learning |
iv ➥ Teaching causes learning |
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Q8➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 2 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R Assertion: Use of ICT is justified during teaching with a view to optimize learning outcomes Reason R: Learning outcomes are contingent on use of ICT during teaching In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below |
i ➥ Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A |
ii ➥ Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A |
iii ➥ A is correct but R is not correct |
iv ➥ A is not correct but R is correct |
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Q9➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 2 From the following list of learner characteristics, identify those which are associated with field independent learners A. Focuses on facts and principles B. Perceives global aspects of concepts and materials C. Prefers and likes to compete D. Can organize information by himself/herself E. Likes to cooperate Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A, B and C only |
ii ➥ B, C and D only |
iii ➥ A, C and D only |
iv ➥ C, D and E only |
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Q10➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 24 sept shift 2 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R Assertion A: Nowadays many online courses are available and their popularity is increasing Reason R: Selecting the right course from many such, is a big challenge In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below |
i ➥ Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A |
ii ➥ Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A |
iii ➥ A is correct but R is not correct |
iv ➥ A is not correct but R is correct |
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Q11➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 1 In the spectrum of teaching methods given below, which are considered dialogic? A. Laboratory work B. Demonstration C. Tutorials D. Group discussion E. Project work Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ C and D only |
ii ➥ A and B only |
iii ➥ B and C only |
iv ➥ D and E only |
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Q12➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 1 Which of the following factors contributing to school learning are termed as social competence? A. Motivation B. Intelligence C. Social skills D. Family support E. Specific abilities of the learner Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A, C and D only |
ii ➥ A, B and C only |
iii ➥ B, C and D only |
iv ➥ C, D and E only |
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Q13➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 1 Teaching differs from training and conditioning in so far as it promotes |
i ➥ Disciplined drill |
ii ➥ Critical thinking |
iii ➥ Steady association |
iv ➥ Mastery of facts |
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Q14➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 1 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R Assertion A: It is the responsibility of the teacher to make students active listeners with the help of different interactive techniques Reason R: In teacher- centric communication, students tend to become passive listeners In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A |
ii ➥ Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A |
iii ➥ A is true but R is false |
iv ➥ A is false but R is true |
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Q15➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 1 Match List I with List II ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A-lll, B-IV, C-l, D-II |
ii ➥ A-IV, B-III, C-ll, D-l |
iii ➥ A-ll, B-l, C-lV, D-lll |
iv ➥ A-l, B-ll, C-lll, D-IV |
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Q16➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 2 Which school of thought laid down one of the principles of teacher and learner role as follows, ‘The teachers role is not to direct, but to advise because the child s own interest should determine what he learns’ |
i ➥ Perennialism |
ii ➥ Progressionism |
iii ➥ Essentialism |
iv ➥ Reconstructionism |
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Q17➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 2 From the list given below, identify those features which relate to an approach to teaching and learning in indirect strategies of teaching A. Engagement in an inquiring process B. Concept-based content presentation C. Gaining attention and informing the learners of the instructional objective D. Presenting the stimulus material and stimulating recall of prerequisite learning E. Encouraging students to use references from their own experiences Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A, B and C only |
ii ➥ B, C and D only |
iii ➥ A, B and E only |
iv ➥ C, D and E only |
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Q18➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 2 For use during teaching, from the list given below, identify questions that are process type rather than ‘content-type’ A. Divergent questions B. Fact-based questions C. Concept-based questions D. Lower order questions E. Higher-order questions Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A, C and E only |
ii ➥ B, C and D only |
iii ➥ C, D and E only |
iv ➥ B, D and E only |
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Q19➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 2 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R Assertion A: Pedagogy and social interaction are two major areas of activity of teachers Reason R: It is communication that is crucial for making both the activities important In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A |
ii ➥ Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A |
iii ➥ A is true but R is false |
iv ➥ A is false but R is true |
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Q20➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 25 sept shift 2 Match List I with List II ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV |
ii ➥ A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-l |
iii ➥ A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-l |
iv ➥ A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II |
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Q21➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 29 sept shift 2 If your students are identified as Unable but willing in terms of their performance readiness level, which of the following methods of teaching will be considered appropriate to deal with them? |
i ➥ Giving challenging tasks during teaching |
ii ➥ Providing scope for sharing responsibility and recognition |
iii ➥ Mentoring and guiding with close supervision |
iv ➥ Small step presentations with error free tasks and frequent reinforcement |
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Q22➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 29 sept shift 2 Identify from the following list of competencies of teaching, those which are related to personality and attitude A. Managing B. Monitoring C. Locus of control D. Planning E. Self-efficacy Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A and B only |
ii ➥ B and C only |
iii ➥ C and D only |
iv ➥ C and E only |
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Q23➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 29 sept shift 2 Given below are two statements Statement I: ICT based “teaching support system” has the potential to optimize learning outcomes Statement II: Recent research have reported that factors relating to social competence contribute more to learning than mere cognitive intelligence does In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is true but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is false but Statement II is true |
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Q24➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 29 sept shift 2 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R Assertion A: New media enhance the opportunities to expand the learning environment unheard of before Reason R: Learners can design their own learning process In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below |
i ➥ Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A |
ii ➥ Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A |
iii ➥ A is correct but R is not correct |
iv ➥ A is not correct but R is correct |
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Q25➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 29 sept shift 2 In which level of teaching there is optimum scope for cognitive interchange requiring analysis and synthesis? |
i ➥ Memory level teaching |
ii ➥ Understanding level teaching |
iii ➥ Reflective level teaching |
iv ➥ Autonomous development level teaching |
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Q26➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 29 sept shift 2 Match List I with List II ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV |
ii ➥ A- III, B – IV, C- I, D-II |
iii ➥ A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I |
iv ➥ A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III |
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Q27➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 1 While reporting the result of assessment a college teacher makes use of percentile ranks in place of scores obtained by his/her students. What kind of evaluation will it be called? |
i ➥ Criterion-referenced |
ii ➥ Norm-referenced |
iii ➥ Formative |
iv ➥ Summative |
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Q28➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 1 Which learning theory provides support for active participation of learner in the learning process in an interactional setting with intrinsic motivation as the basis ? |
i ➥ S-R Theory of Watson |
ii ➥ Reinforcement Theory of skinner |
iii ➥ Constructivist Theory of Vygotsy |
iv ➥ Insight Theory of Kohler |
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Q29➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 1 Given below are two statements Statement I: Programmed Instructional material uses active responding and immediate feedback as important principles for learning Statement II: Skinner’s reinforcement principle is the basis for the preparation of linear types of programmed instructional material In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is true but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is false but Statement II is true |
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Q30➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 1 Which of the following describe understanding level teaching? A. Systematic, step by step presentation to promote retention of facts presented B. Giving a large number of positive and negative examples to explain concepts C. Insisting on effective storage of information D. Helping to promote seeing of relationships among facts E. Critical sifting of facts and information Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A and B only |
ii ➥ B and C only |
iii ➥ C and D only |
iv ➥ B and D only |
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Q31➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 1 Which of the following educational objectives are considered to be of higher level in the affective domain of taxonomic scheme? A. Synthesis B. Characterization C. Analysis D. Organization E. Precision Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A and B only |
ii ➥ B and C only |
iii ➥ B and D only |
iv ➥ D and E only |
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Q32➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 1 Given below are two statements Statement I: In a classroom, every teacher has to perform the gatekeeping function Statement II: Every teacher in any higher educational institution should act as the moral custodian of students, both inside and outside it. In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q33➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 2 Which of the following constitutes the ability (can do) component for describing the competence of a teacher? A. Confidence in performing teaching task B. Knowledge of the subject being taught C. Skill in analyzing the learning tasks D. Experience in handling learning task related situations E. Commitment to organizing teaching-learning tasks Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ B, C and D only |
ii ➥ A, B and C only |
iii ➥ A, C and D only |
iv ➥ C, D and E only |
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Q34➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 2 In which level of teaching, the activities of structuring, guiding and closely supervising the students behavior predominate? |
i ➥ Autonomous development level |
ii ➥ Reflective level |
iii ➥ Understanding level |
iv ➥ Memory level |
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Q35➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 2 When reflective level teaching and learning are successful, students emerge with A. A strong logical basis to retain the information B. An enlarged store of tested insights of a generalized character C. A firm relational structure in the items of information D. An enhanced ability to develop and solve problems on their own E. Seeing relationship and tool use of a fact Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A and B only |
ii ➥ B and D only |
iii ➥ C and D only |
iv ➥ D and E only |
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Q36➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 2 A model of teaching is a description of |
i ➥ Teacher behaviour including teacher and student talk |
ii ➥ Learning environment including teaching behaviour |
iii ➥ Learning environment including teaching behaviour |
iv ➥ Subject matter including its logical structure |
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Q37➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 30 sept shift 2 Given below are two statements Statement I: Maximum performance tests are designed to assess the upper limits of the examinees knowledge and abilities Statement II: Typical response tests are designed to measure the behaviour and characteristics of examinees In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct |
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Q38➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 1 oct shift 1 Reflective level teaching is different from memory level teaching because the pattern of communication that is involved in refective level teaching is basically |
i ➥ Linear |
ii ➥ Bottom-up |
iii ➥ Interactional |
iv ➥ Transactional |
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Q39➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 1 oct shift 1 Given below are two statements Statement I: The use of ICT in organizing teaching-learning programmes in the universities has the potential to optimise learning outcomes Statement II: Formative assessment provides support to enhancing the quality of teaching learning sessions In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct |
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Q40➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 1 oct shift 1 Which one of the following assessment procedures is conducted during an inprogress teaching-learning session? |
i ➥ Summative |
ii ➥ Formative |
iii ➥ Norm-referenced |
iv ➥ Criterion-referenced |
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Q41➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 1 oct shift 1 From the following, identify those features which are associated with Indirect Instructional Strategies A. Guided student practice B. Focus on concept acquisition through question-answer sessions C. Presenting the stimulus material in small, easy to take steps D. Problem based presentation E. Participatory and collaborative moves stressed Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ B, D and E only |
ii ➥ A, B and C only |
iii ➥ B, C and D only |
iv ➥ C, D and E only |
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Q42➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 1 oct shift 1 Identify those teaching strategies which are learner-centred A. Cooperative learning B. Team teaching C. Laboratory based projects D. Pair-share discussions E. Lecturing with PowerPoint presentations Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ A, B and C only |
ii ➥ B, C and D only |
iii ➥ A, C and D only |
iv ➥ C, D and E only |
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Q43➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 1 Which of the characteristics in classroom teaching behavior as given below will be classified as a part of formative assessment? (A) The teacher asks question to elicit classification from students. (B) The teacher specifies the level of mastery attained by students. (C) The teacher prompts and probes the students while making presentation. (D) The teacher pauses for a few seconds, looks at students and asks questions. (E) The teacher indicates performance criteria and given judgemental values. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) and (C) only |
ii ➥ (A) , (C) and (D) only |
iii ➥ (B) , (C) and (D) only |
iv ➥ (C) , (D) and (E) only |
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Q44➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 1 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Instructional technology is a network of techniques pressed into service for realizing instructional objectives. Statement II: Computer-aided instruction can replace the teacher if the goal of education is personality development. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement l is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q45➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 1 Which will be the correct hierarchical sequencing for the following types of learning? (A) Discrimination learning (B) Sign learning (C) Concept learning (D) Problem solving learning (E) Rule learning Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (B) , (A) , (C) , (E) and (D) |
ii ➥ (A) , (B) , (E) , (D) and (C) |
iii ➥ (D) , (C) , (B) , (A) and (E) |
iv ➥ (C) , (D) , (E) , (A) and (B) |
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Q46➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 1 Which of the following intellectual characteristics in a teacher need nurturing in order to accomplish subjective well-being leading to effectiveness in motivating and inspiring students of college level education? |
i ➥ Cognitive intelligence related |
ii ➥ Emotional intelligence related |
iii ➥ Social intelligence related |
iv ➥ Spiritual intelligence related |
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Q47➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 1 An open classroom environment marked by sharing and caring by teachers and students in their interchanges will be most helpful for which level of teaching? |
i ➥ Memory level |
ii ➥ Understanding level |
iii ➥ Reflective level |
iv ➥ Autonomous development level |
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Q48➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 2 A teacher intends to use transformational approach in teaching in order to ensure effective way of influencing students learning. Which of the following activities will be deemed appropriate in this context (A) Providing a sense of respect and trust for students. (B) Promoting contingent rewards for efforts of students. (C) Intervening in students task only if standards are not met. (D) Communicating high level expectation. (E) Promoting careful problem solving and individual consideration. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) and (C) only |
ii ➥ (B) , (C) and (D) only |
iii ➥ (C) , (D) and (E) only |
iv ➥ (A) , (D) and (E) only |
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Q49➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 2 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Use of support materials during teaching can replace teaching act if used carefully. Statement II: Online methods are effective supplements for improving quality of teaching and learning. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q50➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 2 Online platforms make teaching and learning a sub-type of: |
i ➥ Technology-induced diversion |
ii ➥ Complex learning culture |
iii ➥ Commercial collaboration |
iv ➥ Alternative education |
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Q51➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 2 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Measurement is a set of rules for assigning numbers to represent objects, traits, attributes and behaviours. Statement II: A test is a procedure in which a sample of an individual՚s behaviour is obtained, evaluated and scored using standardized procedures. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q52➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 2 Facts and information get focused in which level of teaching? |
i ➥ Memory level |
ii ➥ Autonomous development level |
iii ➥ Understanding level |
iv ➥ Reflective level |
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Q53➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 9 oct shift 2 Which of the following will be considered ‘correct’ when T-L model is adhered to? |
i ➥ Teaching and learning are independent acts |
ii ➥ Teaching and learning are in integral relationship |
iii ➥ Teaching can be so called even if there is no learning |
iv ➥ There can be learning with no act of teaching taking place |
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Q54➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 1 Which of the following have been identified as key behaviours contributing to effective teaching? (A) Lesson clarity (B) Instructional variety (C) Using student ideas and contribution (D) Engagement in learning process (E) Structuring Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) and (D) only |
ii ➥ (A) , (B) and (C) only |
iii ➥ (B) , (C) and (D) only |
iv ➥ (C) , (D) and (E) only |
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Q55➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 1 In which of the following, the direction of influence is mainly one way: |
i ➥ Counselling |
ii ➥ Guiding |
iii ➥ Teaching |
iv ➥ Learning |
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Q56➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 1 The communication process is active and interactive at a very high level in which of the following level of teaching? |
i ➥ Reflective level |
ii ➥ Understanding level |
iii ➥ Memory level |
iv ➥ Autonomous development level |
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Q57➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 1 Given below are two statements: Statement I: In order to be effective, teaching and testing must go together. Statement II: Feedback does not form an essential component of formative assessment. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct |
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Q58➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 1 Which of the following ‘need strengths’ in Maslow՚s hierarchy are related to higher order learning? (A) Physiological needs (B) Safety needs (C) Social needs (D) Esteem needs (E) Needs for self-actualization Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) and (B) only |
ii ➥ (B) and (C) only |
iii ➥ (C) and (D) only |
iv ➥ (D) and (E) only |
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Q59➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 2 For optimizing learning outcomes which of the following factors have been identified as most effective in terms of research evidences in the global context? |
i ➥ Home related factors |
ii ➥ School related factors |
iii ➥ Teacher related factors |
iv ➥ Supplementary technological devices related factors |
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Q60➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 2 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Computer based testing ensures high reliability and validity in the process of evaluation centred on effective and conative domains of behaviour. Statement II: Support materials in the form of programmed instructional models have a tremendous potential to maximize learning. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q61➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 2 Given below are two statements: Statement I: The content and style of communication are the predictor variables of effective teaching. Statement II: A good and communicative teacher evokes relatively less questions from the students. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q62➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 2 Identify the correct sequence of cognitive behaviours in the taxonomy of educational objectives: (A) Knowledge (B) Application (C) Understanding (D) Analysis (E) Synthesis Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) , (C) , (D) and (E) |
ii ➥ (D) , (E) , (A) , (B) and (C) |
iii ➥ (A) , (C) , (B) , (D) and (E) |
iv ➥ (D) , (E) , (A) , (C) and (B) |
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Q63➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 17 oct shift 2 What is the hallmark of reflective teaching? |
i ➥ Clear, organized and well-structured content |
ii ➥ Personalized, interactive and high level of cognitive interchange |
iii ➥ Systematic, planned and quick question answer session |
iv ➥ Logical, coherent and example based presentations |
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Q64➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 5 nov shift 2 If teaching is viewed as a continuum, which of the following modality, involves active ‘give’ and ′take’ between the teacher and learner? |
i ➥ Training |
ii ➥ Conditioning |
iii ➥ Instruction |
iv ➥ Indoctrination |
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Q65➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 5 nov shift 2 What is the correct sequence from lower to higher, for indicating learning outcomes related to affective domain? (A) Receiving (B) Valuing (C) Responding (D) Organization (E) Characterization Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) , (C) , (D) and (E) |
ii ➥ (A) , (C) , (B) , (D) and (E) |
iii ➥ (C) , (D) , (E) , (A) and (B) |
iv ➥ (B) , (C) , (A) , (D) and (E) |
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Q66➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 5 nov shift 2 Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) : Assertion (A) : The use of ICT has a great potential for optimizing learning outcomes. Reason (R) : ICT promotes scope for variety, flexibility and attractiveness. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) |
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A) |
iii ➥ (A) is true but (R) is false |
iv ➥ (A) is false but (R) is true |
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Q67➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 5 nov shift 2 Match List I with List II: List I provides the basic management functions to be performed by a teacher while the List II gives their description. ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) – (IV) , (B) – (III) , (C) – (II) , (D) – (I) |
ii ➥ (A) – (I) , (B) – (II) , (C) – (III) , (D) – (IV) |
iii ➥ (A) – (II) , (B) – (I) , (C) – (IV) , (D) – (III) |
iv ➥ (A) – (III) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (I) , (D) – (II) |
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Q68➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 1 The goal of teaching as compared to training is to provide opportunity of: |
i ➥ Promotion of organized ideas as a result of disciplined drill |
ii ➥ Sharing and caring leading to critical and creative reflection |
iii ➥ Establishing beliefs and values leading to change in attitude |
iv ➥ Associating ideas which are similar and dissimilar |
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Q69➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 1 In Gagnes ′ Learning hierarchy ′ which of the learning types immediately precedes ′ Concept learning? |
i ➥ Signal learning |
ii ➥ S-R learning |
iii ➥ Chain learning |
iv ➥ Discrimination learning |
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Q70➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 1 There is abundant scope for promoting concept learning under which stage of development of learner? |
i ➥ During infancy |
ii ➥ During childhood |
iii ➥ During adolescence |
iv ➥ During pre-adolescence |
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Q71➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 1 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Use of programmed instructional material as supplement has the potential to optimize learning outcomes. Statement II: ICT, if used, judiciously will render teaching-learning systems effective and efficient. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect. |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but. Statement II is correct |
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Q72➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 1 Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) : Assertion (A) : For ensuring successful teaching-learning systems both Norm-Reference Testing (NRT) and Criterion-Referenced Testing (CRT) , procedures for interpretation of scores have to be synthesized. Reason (R) : Parents and educational administrators along with the students themselves need to know the status of accomplishment in terms of laid down criteria and relative positions of the participants vice- versa that of others. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) |
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) |
iii ➥ (A) is true but (R) is false |
iv ➥ (A) is false but (R) is true |
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Q73➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 2 What are the advantages of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) introduced by the UGC for higher education institutions? A) Focuses on student-centric education B) Allows students to choose inter-disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses C) Makes education at par with global standards D) Makes it easy to estimate the performance levels of students in terms of marks E) Offers flexibility for students to undertake studies at different times and at different institutions Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (C), (D), (E), (A) only |
ii ➥ (A), (B), (C), (E) only |
iii ➥ (B), (C), (D), (E) only |
iv ➥ (A), (B), (C), (D) only |
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Q74➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 2 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Indirect instruction is an approach to teaching and learning in which the process is inquiry, the content involves concept and the context is a problem. Statement II: In NRT test data tell us about a student’s level of proficiency in mastery of some skills or set of skills. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
ii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iv ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
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Q75➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 2 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Interactive and multimedia systems provide for a new culture of teaching and learning. Statement II: Virtual classrooms convert students into senseless humanoids. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
iii ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
iv ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
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Q76➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 2 In which level of teaching, the teacher’s role is more active rather than being interactive? |
i ➥ Autonomous development level |
ii ➥ Reflective level |
iii ➥ Understanding level |
iv ➥ Memory level |
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Q77➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 2 Identify the teaching strategies which are employed during indirect instruction: A) Emphasizing direct and indirect exemplars B) Presenting the stimulus material C) Inquiry based question-answer session D) Presenting, asking and providing feedback E) Promoting problem solving approach Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A), (C) and (E) only |
ii ➥ (C), (D) and (E) only |
iii ➥ (B), (C) and (D) only |
iv ➥ (A), (B) and (C) only |
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Q78➡ | UGC NET November 2020, 11 nov shift 2 Which of the following teacher competency belongs to the domain of personality and attitude? |
i ➥ Locus of control and self-efficacy |
ii ➥ Managing and Monitoring |
iii ➥ Planning and instructing |
iv ➥ Personalizing and contextualizing |
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