Time complexity -Computer networking

Time complexity -Computer networking

Question 1 UGC NET June-2020      
A – A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II
B – A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
C – A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
D – A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
E – None of the given options

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Answer: E

Topological sort of DAG takes (V+E) time.
Bellman ford single source shortest path takes O(VE) time
Floyd Warshall’s all pair shortest path algorithm takes O(V3) time.
Kruskal’s algorithm: Sorted edges will take O(ElogV) and unsorted edges will take O(ElogE)

Question 2 UGC NET June-2020  
If algorithm A and another algorithm B take log2(n) and √n microseconds, respectively, to solve a problem, then the largest size n of a problem these algorithms can solve, respectively, in one second are______ and __.
A – 2106 and 106
B – 2106 and 1012
C – 2106 and 6 x 106
D – 2106 and 6 x 1012

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Answer : B

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