Note: This paper contains fifty(50)objective type questions of two(2)marks each.All question are compulsory.
Q1➡ If the time is now 4 O’clock, what will be the time after 101 hours from now ?
A ➥ 9 O’Clock
B ➥ 8 O’Clock
C ➥ 5 O’Clock
D ➥ 4 O’Clock
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q2➡ Let m=(313)4 and n=(322)4 . Find the base 4 expansion of m+n.
A ➥ (635)4
B ➥ (32312)4
C ➥ (21323)4
D ➥ (1301)4
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q3➡ Let A = and B = Find the boolean product A⊙B of the two matrices.
A ➥
B ➥
C ➥
D ➥
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q4➡ How many distinguishable permutations of the letters in the word BANANA are there ?
A ➥ 720
B ➥ 120
C ➥ 60
D ➥ 360
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q5➡ Consider the graph given below : Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree for the graph. The List of the edges of the tree in the order in which they are chosen is?
A ➥ AD, AE, AG, GC, GB, BF
B ➥ GC, GB, BF, GA, AD, AE
C ➥ GC, AD, GB, GA, BF, AE
D ➥ AD, AG, GC, AE, GB, BF
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q6➡ The Boolean function with the Karnaugh map is:
A ➥ (A+C).D+B
B ➥ (A+B).C+D
C ➥ (A+D).C+B
D ➥ (A+C).B+D
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q7➡ The Octal equivalent of the binary number 1011101011 is :
A ➥ 7353
B ➥ 1353
C ➥ 5651
D ➥ 5657
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q8➡ Let P and Q be two propositions, ¬ (P ↔ Q) is equivalent to:
A ➥ P ↔ ¬ Q
B ➥ ¬ P ↔ Q
C ➥ ¬ P ↔ ¬ Q
D ➥ Q → P
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Answer: A,B Both (Marks to all) Explanation: Upload Soon
Q9➡ Negation of the proposition ∃x H(x) is:
A ➥ ∃x ⌐H(x
B ➥ ∀x ⌐H(x)
C ➥ ∀x H(x)
D ➥ ⌐x H(x)
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q10➡ The output of the following combinational circuit is F. The value of F is :
A ➥ P1+P’2P3
B ➥ P1+P’2P’3
C ➥ P1 +P2 P’3
D ➥ P’1 +P2 P3
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q11➡ ‘ptrdata’ is a pointer to a data type. The expression *ptrdata++ is evaluated as (in C++) :
A ➥ *(ptrdata++)
B ➥ (*ptrdata)++
C ➥ (ptrdata) ++
D ➥ Depends on compiler
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q12➡ The associativity of which of the following operators is Left to Right, in C++ ?
A ➥ Unary Operator
B ➥ Logical not
C ➥ Array element access
D ➥ addressof
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q13➡ A member function can always access the data in__________,(in C++).
A ➥ the class of which it is member
B ➥ the object of which it is member
C ➥ the public part of its class
D ➥ the private part of its class
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q14➡ Which of the following is not correct for virtual function in C++ ?
A ➥ Must be declared in public section of class
B ➥ Virtual function can be static
C ➥ Virtual function should be accessed using pointers.
D ➥ Virtual function is defined in base class
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q15➡ Which of the following is not correct (in C++) ?
A ➥ Class templates and function templates are instantiated in the same way.
B ➥ Class templates differ from function templates in the way they are initiated.
C ➥ Class template is initiated by defining an object using the template argument.
D ➥ Class templates are generally used for storage classes.
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q16➡ Which of the following is/are true with reference to ‘view’ in DBMS ? (A) A ‘view’ is a special stored procedure executed when certain event occurs. (B) A ‘view’ is a virtual table, which occurs after executing a pre-compiled query. Code:
A ➥ Only (A) is true
B ➥ Only (B) is true
C ➥ Both (A) and (B) are true
D ➥ Neither (A) nor (B) are true
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q17➡ In SQL,___________ is an Aggregate function.
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q18 Match the following with respect to RDBMS : Code:
A ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
B ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
C ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)
D ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q19➡ In RDBMS, different classes of relations are created using_________ technique to prevent modification anomalies.
A ➥ Functional Dependencies
B ➥ Data integrity
C ➥ Referential integrity
D ➥ Normal forms
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q20➡ ___________SQL command changes one or more fields in a record.
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q21➡ Consider an array representation of an n element binary heap where the elements are stored from index 1 to index n of the array. For the element stored at index i of the array (i<=n), the index of the parent is:
A ➥ floor ((i+1)/2)
B ➥ ceiling ((i+1)/2)
C ➥ floor (i/2)
D ➥ ceiling (i/2)
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q22➡ The following numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree in the given order: 10, 1, 3, 5, 15, 12, 16 What is the height of the binary search tree ?
A ➥ 3
B ➥ 4
C ➥ 5
D ➥ 6
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q23➡ Let G be an undirected connected graph with distinct edge weight. Let Emax be the edge with maximum weight and E min the edge with minimum weight. Which of the following statements is false?
A ➥ Every minimum spanning tree of G must contain Emin.
B ➥ If Emax is in minimum spanning tree, then its removal must disconnect G.
C ➥ No minimum spanning tree contains Emax.
D ➥ G has a unique minimum spanning tree.
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q24➡ A list of n strings, each of length n, is sorted into lexicographic order using merge – sort algorithm. The worst case running time of this computation is :
A ➥ O(n log n)
B ➥ O(n2 log n)
C ➥ O(n2 + log n)
D ➥ O(n3 )
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q25➡ Postorder traversal of a given binary search tree T produces following sequence of keys: 3, 5, 7, 9, 4, 17, 16, 20, 18, 15, 14 Which one of the following sequences of keys can be the result of an in-order traversal of the tree T?
A ➥ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 20, 18, 17, 16, 15
B ➥ 20, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
C ➥ 20, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3
D ➥ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Question 26➡| Computer Network Which of the following devices takes data sent from one network device and forwards it to the destination node based on MAC address ?
Question 27➡| NTA UGC NET November 2017 Paper-2 ___________do not take their decisions on measurements or estimates of the current traffic and topology.
Q30➡ Consider the following program fragment in assembly language : mov ax, 0h mov cx, 0A h doloop: dec ax loop doloop What is the value of ax and cx registers after the completion of the doloop ?
A ➥ ax=FFF5 h and cx=0 h
B ➥ ax=FFF6 h and cx=0 h
C ➥ ax=FFF7 h and cx=0A h
D ➥ ax=FFF5 h and cx=0A h
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Question 31➡| Computer Network The IP address____________is used by hosts when they are being booted.
Q32➡ Consider the following assembly program fragment : stc mov al, 11010110b mov cl, 2 rcl al, 3 rol al, 4 shr al, cl mul cl The contents of the destination register ax (in hexadecimal) and the status of Carry Flag (CF) after the execution of above instructions, are:
A ➥ ax=003CH; CF=0
B ➥ ax=001EH; CF=0
C ➥ ax=007BH; CF=1
D ➥ ax=00B7H; CF=1
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q33➡ Which of the following regular expressions, each describing a language of binary numbers (MSB to LSB) that represents non negative decimal values, does not include even values ? where ( +,* ) are quantification characters.
A ➥ 0*1 + 0*1*
B ➥ 0*1*0 + 1*
C ➥ 0*1*0*1+
D ➥ 0+1*0*1*
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q34➡ Which of the following statements is/are TRUE ? (a) The grammar S → SS | a is ambiguous (where S is the start symbol). (b) The grammar S → 0S1 | 01S | e is ambiguous (the special symbol e represents the empty string and S is the start symbol). (c) The grammar (where S is the start symbol). S → T/U T → x S y | xy | e U → yT generates a language consisting of the string yxxyy.
A ➥ Only (a) and (b) are TRUE
B ➥ Only (a) and (c) are TRUE
C ➥ Only (b) and (c) are TRUE
D ➥ All of (a), (b) and (c) are TRUE
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q35➡ Match the description of several parts of a classic optimizing compiler in List – I, with the names of those parts in List – II:
A ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
B ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
C ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
D ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q36➡ In Distributed system, the capacity of a system to adapt the increased service load is called___________.
A ➥ Tolerance
B ➥ Scalability
C ➥ Capability
D ➥ Loading
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q37 ➡ In___________disk scheduling algorithm, the disk head moves from one end to other end of the disk, serving the requests along the way. When the head reaches the other end, it immediately returns to the beginning of the disk without serving any requests on the return trip.
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q38➡ Suppose there are six files F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 with corresponding sizes 150 KB, 225KB,75 KB, 60 KB, 275 KB and 65 KB respectively. The files are to be stored on a sequential device in such a way that optimizes access time. In what order should the files be stored ?
A ➥ F5, F2, F1, F3, F6, F4
B ➥ F4, F6, F3, F1, F2, F5
C ➥ F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
D ➥ F6, F5, F4, F3, F2, F1
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q39➡ Which module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short – term scheduler ?
A ➥ Dispatcher
B ➥ Interrupt
C ➥ Schedular
D ➥ Threading
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q40➡ Two atomic operations permissible on Semaphores are______ and _____.
A ➥ wait, stop
B ➥ wait, hold
C ➥ hold, signal
D ➥ wait, signal
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q41➡ Software does not wear-out in the traditional sense of the term, but software does tend to deteriorate as it evolves, because :
A ➥ Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments.
B ➥ Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often.
C ➥ Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions.
D ➥ Software spare parts become harder to order.
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Q42➡ Software re-engineering is concerned with:
A ➥ Re-constructing the original source code from the existing machine (low level) code program and modifying it to make it more user – friendly.
B ➥ Scrapping the source code of a software and re writing it entirely from scratch.
C ➥ Re-organising and modifying existing software systems to make them more maintainable.
D ➥ Translating source code of an existing software to a new machine (low level) language.
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q43➡ Which of the following is not a key issue stressed by an agile philosophy of software engineering ?
A ➥ The importance of self-organizing teams as well as communication and collaboration between team members and customers.
B ➥ Recognition that change represents opportunity.
C ➥ Emphasis on rapid delivery of software that satisfies the customer.
D ➥ Having a separate testing phase after a build phase.
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q44➡ What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized? 1. Integration Testing 2. System Testing 3. Unit Testing 4. Validation Testing Code:
A ➥ 3,1,2,4
B ➥ 3,1,4,2
C ➥ 4,3,2,1
D ➥ 2,4,1,3
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q45➡ Which of the following testing techniques ensures that the software product runs correctly after the changes during maintenance ?
A ➥ Path Testing
B ➥ Integration Testing
C ➥ Unit Testing
D ➥ Regression Testing
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Answer: D Explanation: Upload Soon
Q46➡ Which of the following Super Computers is the fastest Super Computer ?
A ➥ Sun-way TaihuLight
B ➥ Titan
C ➥ Piz Daint
D ➥ Sequoia
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Answer: A Explanation: Upload Soon
Q47➡ Which of the following statements about ERP system is true ?
A ➥ Most ERP software implementations fully achieve seamless integration
B ➥ ERP software packages are themselves combinations of separate applications for manufacturing, materials, resource planning, general ledger, human resources, procurement and order entry.
C ➥ Integration of ERP systems can be achieved in only one way
D ➥ An ERP package implemented uniformly throughout an enterprise is likely to contain very flexible connections to allow charges and software variations.
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Answer: B Explanation: Upload Soon
Q48➡ Which of the following is not a Clustering method ?
A ➥ K-Mean method
B ➥ Self Organizing feature map method
C ➥ K-nearest neighbor method
D ➥ Agglomerative method
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Answer: C Explanation: Upload Soon
Question 49➡| Computer Network Which of the given wireless technologies used in IoT, consumes the least amount of power ?
Q50➡| Computer Network Which speed up could be achieved according to Amdahl’s Law for infinite number of processes if 5% of a program is sequential and the remaining part is ideally parallel ?