UGC NET Paper-1 9-October-2020 Shift – Evening Question With Solution
Date- 9-Oct-2020, Shift-Morning
Date- 17-Oct-2020, Shift- Morning
Q1 Comprehension: Directions: The table below embodies data on the oil import (in million tonnes) from six different countries over the years 2015 to 2019. In accordance with the table, answer the Questions 1 – 5. ![]() *What is the approximate percentage of oil import from Iran in the year 2017 with respect to the total oil import from Iran in all the years together? |
i ➥ 20 % |
ii ➥ 23 % |
iii ➥ 21 % |
iv ➥ 2 % |
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Q2 Comprehension: Directions: The table below embodies data on the oil import (in million tonnes) from six different countries over the years 2015 to 2019. In accordance with the table, answer the Questions 1 – 5. ![]() *What is the ratio of average of oil imports from Iraq to that from Venezuela for all the years together? |
i ➥ 14: 29 |
ii ➥ 29: 14 |
iii ➥ 39: 23 |
iv ➥ 23: 39 |
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Q3 Comprehension: Directions: The table below embodies data on the oil import (in million tonnes) from six different countries over the years 2015 to 2019. In accordance with the table, answer the Questions 1 – 5. ![]() *If P and Q are the average oil import from all the countries in the year 2019 and 2017 respectively, then P-Q is approximately equal to: |
i ➥ 3.43 million tonnes |
ii ➥ 3.34 million tonnes |
iii ➥ 2.43 million tonnes |
iv ➥ 2.34 million tonnes |
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Q4 Comprehension: Directions: The table below embodies data on the oil import (in million tonnes) from six different countries over the years 2015 to 2019. In accordance with the table, answer the Questions 1 – 5. ![]() *In which of the following years the percentage increase/decrease in oil import from Nigeria over its previous year is the maximum? |
i ➥ 2016 |
ii ➥ 2018 |
iii ➥ 2017 |
iv ➥ 2019 |
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Q5 Comprehension: Directions: The table below embodies data on the oil import (in million tonnes) from six different countries over the years 2015 to 2019. In accordance with the table, answer the Questions 1 – 5. ![]() *What is the approximate average of percentage increase or decrease in oil import from Kuwait over its previous year for the given period? |
i ➥ 4 % |
ii ➥ 5 % |
iii ➥ 15 % |
iv ➥ 21 % |
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Q6 Arrange the following fuels in decreasing order in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per unit of energy output from their combustion: (A) Natural gas (B) Coal (lignite) (C) Gasoline (without ethanol) (D) Propane Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) > (B) > (D) > (C) |
ii ➥ (B) > (A) > (C) > (D) |
iii ➥ (B) > (C) > (D) > (A) |
iv ➥ (D) > (B) > (C) > (A) |
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Q7 Match List I with List II: ![]() *Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) – (II) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (I) , (D) – (III) |
ii ➥ (A) – (I) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (II) , (D) – (III) |
iii ➥ (A) – (IV) , (B) – (III) , (C) – (II) , (D) – (I) |
iv ➥ (A) – (III) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (II) , (D) – (I) |
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Q8 In computers, a DVD-ROM is: |
i ➥ an optical storage media and it can be written many times |
ii ➥ a magnetic storage media and it can be written only once. |
iii ➥ an optical storage media and it can be written only once. |
iv ➥ a magnetic storage media and it can be written many times. |
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Q9 To differentiate a primary storage from a secondary storage in a computer system, which of the following statements is correct? |
i ➥ Primary storage is slower, more expensive and persistent. |
ii ➥ Primary storage is faster, more expensive and persistent. |
iii ➥ Primary storage is faster, less expensive and not persistent. |
iv ➥ Primary storage is faster, more expensive and not persistent. |
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Q10 A teacher intends to use transformational approach in teaching in order to ensure effective way of influencing students learning. Which of the following activities will be deemed appropriate in this context (A) Providing a sense of respect and trust for students. (B) Promoting contingent rewards for efforts of students. (C) Intervening in students task only if standards are not met. (D) Communicating high level expectation. (E) Promoting careful problem solving and individual consideration. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) and (C) only |
ii ➥ (B) , (C) and (D) only |
iii ➥ (C) , (D) and (E) only |
iv ➥ (A) , (D) and (E) only |
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Q11 The inherent cause (Samavayi) of Indian Philosophy corresponds to which of the causes given by Aristotle? |
i ➥ Material Cause |
ii ➥ Formal Cause |
iii ➥ Efficient Cause |
iv ➥ Final Cause |
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UGC NET Paper-1 9-October-2020 Shift – Evening Question With Solution
Q12 The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years at the rate of 6 % per annum comes to ₹ 300. The compound interest at the same rate, for the same time and on the same sum of money would be: |
i ➥ ₹ 310 |
ii ➥ ₹ 308 |
iii ➥ ₹ 307 |
iv ➥ ₹ 309 |
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Q13 Consider the following incomplete sentences: 3G is a range wireless technology. Some activities that require bandwidth cannot be carried out by using 3G. Bluetooth is a_______ range wireless technology which is used to connect devices together for data transfer. Bluetooth is a________cost means of data transfer. Complete the above sentences by choosing the correct words in order from the following list: (A) Long (B) Low (C) Short (D) High Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (D) , (C) , (B) |
ii ➥ (C) , (D) , (A) , (B) |
iii ➥ (C) , (B) , (A) , (D) |
iv ➥ (A) , (B) , (C) , (D) |
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Q14 Through which of the following methods of research cause and effect relationship is focused? |
i ➥ Historical method |
ii ➥ Experimental method |
iii ➥ Ex Post facto method |
iv ➥ Case study method |
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Q15 Two cities P and Q are 360 km apart from each other. A car goes from P to Q with a speed of 40 km per hour and returns back to P with a speed of 50 km per hour. What is the average speed of the car? |
i ➥ 45 km per hour |
ii ➥ 48 km per hour |
iii ➥ 50 km per hour |
iv ➥ 55 km per hour |
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Q16 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Use of support materials during teaching can replace teaching act if used carefully. Statement II: Online methods are effective supplements for improving quality of teaching and learning. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q17 Online platforms make teaching and learning a sub-type of: |
i ➥ Technology-induced diversion |
ii ➥ Complex learning culture |
iii ➥ Commercial collaboration |
iv ➥ Alternative education |
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Q18 Alive Devadatta is either in his house or elsewhere. Alive Devadatta is not in his house. Therefore alive Devadatta is elsewhere. The above is an example of which kind of Pramana? |
i ➥ Perception and inference (Pratyaksha and Anuman) |
ii ➥ Comparison (Upmana) |
iii ➥ Verbal testimony (Shabda) |
iv ➥ Implication (Arthapatti) |
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Q19 The Open University system needs to be introduced in order to expand opportunity of access to higher education. It was emphasized by: |
i ➥ The University Education Commission (1948-49) |
ii ➥ The Education Commission (1964 – 66) |
iii ➥ The National Policy on Education (1968) |
iv ➥ The National Policy on Education (1986) |
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Q20 Consider the following syllogism: (A) This hill has fire (B) Because it has smoke (C) Whatever has smoke, has fire (D) This hill has smoke which is invariably associated with fire (E) Therefore, this has fire Which will be designated as ‘Upnaya’ in this syllogism? |
i ➥ (A) and (B) only |
ii ➥ (B) and (C) only |
iii ➥ (D) only |
iv ➥ (E) only |
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Q21 The scope for ‘creativity’ and ‘imagination’ is largest in which of the following steps of research? |
i ➥ Defining and deciding the procedures for sampling |
ii ➥ Identifying and defining the research problem |
iii ➥ Data analysis using quantitative methods and interpretation |
iv ➥ Hypothesis making and hypothesis testing |
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Q22 If 5472 ->9, 6342->6,7584 ->6 and 9237 -> P, then P is: ( -> means implies) |
i ➥ 2 |
ii ➥ 3 |
iii ➥ 4 |
iv ➥ 5 |
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UGC NET Paper-1 9-October-2020 Shift – Evening Question With Solution
Q23 Given below are two statements: Statement I: In order to ensure authenticity, a researcher has to indicate original sources from which data are culled. Statement II: In data analysis and interpretation the researcher has to evince necessary rigour and appropriateness of procedures. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct |
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Q24 Identify the correct sequence of mass media functions: (A) Entertainment (B) Information (C) Transmission of culture (D) Social integration (E) Education Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (C) , (D) , (E) , (B) |
ii ➥ (B) , (C) , (E) , (D) , (A) |
iii ➥ (B) , (E) , (A) , (C) , (D) |
iv ➥ (C) , (D) , (E) , (A) , (B) |
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Q25 The next two terms of the progression as 60,30, 20,15 are: |
i ➥ 10 and 5 |
ii ➥ 4 and 2 |
iii ➥ 10 and 8 |
iv ➥ 12 and 10 |
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Q26 Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) : Assertion (A) : The problem of organic pollution in rivers is usually worse in hot summer months. Reason (R) : Higher water temperatures exacerbate oxygen depletion. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) |
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A) |
iii ➥ (A) is correct but (R) is not correct |
iv ➥ (A) is not correct but (R) is correct |
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Q27 Which of the following systems of Indian Philosophy are antithetical to the Vedas? (A) Purva Mimasa (B) Uttar Mimasa (C) Buddhism (D) Jainism (E) Charvaks Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) , (C) only |
ii ➥ (B) , (C) , (D) only |
iii ➥ (C) , (D) , (E) only |
iv ➥ (D) , (E) , (A) only |
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Q28 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Measurement is a set of rules for assigning numbers to represent objects, traits, attributes and behaviours. Statement II: A test is a procedure in which a sample of an individual՚s behaviour is obtained, evaluated and scored using standardized procedures. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q29 In Indian logic, the presence of the middle term in the minor term is called. |
i ➥ Vyapti |
ii ➥ Paksha-dharmita |
iii ➥ Linga |
iv ➥ Paramarsha |
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Q30 Which of the following are true in respect of communication? It is a (A) filtering process (B) barrier less process (C) life-long process (D) universal process (E) collective process Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) , (C) only |
ii ➥ (B) , (C) , (D) only |
iii ➥ (C) , (D) , (E) only |
iv ➥ (D) , (E) , (A) only |
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Q31 Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) : Assertion (A) : A society garners commonality through its language, customs, history and geography. Reasons (R) : A society՚s unity through commonality is facilitated by its communication system and culture. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) |
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A) |
iii ➥ (A) is true but (R) is false |
iv ➥ (A) is false but (R) is true |
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Q32 In a city the noise levels represented by equivalent sound pressure level over 8 hours period were reported as 80 dB (A) . What does ‘A’ refer to |
i ➥ a type of amplifier used in the measurement |
ii ➥ a type of microphone used in the measurement |
iii ➥ the measurements of day time |
iv ➥ a type of weighting used in the measurement |
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Q33 Given below are two statements: Statement I: ‘SWAYAM’ , an initiative of Government of India, aims at promoting the self — help groups in rural areas. Statement II: ‘e-Tantra’ is an initiative to spread education in embedded systems and Robotics by IIT. Mumbai through MHRD-NMECIT. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q34 Facts and information get focused in which level of teaching? |
i ➥ Memory level |
ii ➥ Autonomous development level |
iii ➥ Understanding level |
iv ➥ Reflective level |
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Q35 Which of the following ‘Four Pillars of Education’ ‘mentioned in Delors’ Commission report reflect the Indian value of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ″ ? |
i ➥ Learning to know |
ii ➥ Learning to do |
iii ➥ Learning to be |
iv ➥ Learning to live together |
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Q36 Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) : Assertion (A) : Use of ICT in research facilitates access and accuracy of research findings. Reason (R) : A researcher has to follow various styles of referencing and format while writing a thesis with an intent for deriving support from ICT. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) |
ii ➥ Both (A) and R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A) |
iii ➥ (A) is correct but (R) is not correct |
iv ➥ (A) is not correct but (R) is correct |
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Q37 Which of the following will be considered ‘correct’ when T-L model is adhered to? |
i ➥ Teaching and learning are independent acts |
ii ➥ Teaching and learning are in integral relationship |
iii ➥ Teaching can be so called even if there is no learning |
iv ➥ There can be learning with no act of teaching taking place |
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Q38 List I mentions the four valid means of knowledge as given by gotama while List II gives their description. Match List I with List II: ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) – (I) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (III) , (D) – (II) |
ii ➥ (A) – (IV) , (B) – (I) , (C) – (II) , (D) – (III) |
iii ➥ (A) – (III) , (B) – (II) , (C) – (I) , (D) – (IV) |
iv ➥ (A) – (II) , (B) – (III) , (C) – (IV) , (D) – (I) |
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Q39 The aims and objectives of which of the following have co-benefits with Sustainable Development Goals? (A) International Solar Alliance (B) Montreal Protocol (C) Paris Agreement (D) Convention on Biodiversity (E) National Action Plan on Climate Change Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) , (B) , (C) , (E) only |
ii ➥ (A) , (C) , (D) , (E) only |
iii ➥ (A) , (C) , (E) only |
iv ➥ (B) , (C) , (D) , (E) only |
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Q40 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Search engines are also known as web browsers. Statement II: 189.365. 250.2 is an example of a valid IP address. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true |
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Q41 In an examination it is required to get 36 % of maximum marks to pass. A student got 90 marks and was declared fail by 9 marks. Calculate maximum marks. |
i ➥ 200 |
ii ➥ 275 |
iii ➥ 300 |
iv ➥ 225 |
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Q42 Which of the following has been the main aim of education during Ancient India? |
i ➥ Emancipation or liberation |
ii ➥ Material development |
iii ➥ Fulfillment of vocational needs |
iv ➥ Inculcation of social values |
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Q43 Match List I with List II ![]() Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ (A) – (II) , (B) – (III) , (C) – (I) , (D) – (II) |
ii ➥ (A) – (II) , (B) – (I) , (C) – (IV) , (D) – (III) |
iii ➥ (A) – (III) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (I) , (D) – (II) |
iv ➥ (A) – (I) , (B) – (II) , (C) – (III) , (D) – (IV) |
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Q44 Given below are two statements: Statement I: Institutional autonomy guarantees academic freedom. Statement II: Academic freedom is not possible without institutional autonomy. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect. |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct. |
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UGC NET Paper-1 9-October-2020 Shift – Evening Question With Solution
Q45 Given below are two Statements: Statement I: Diesel Vehicles emit excessive amounts of oxides of nitrogen and fine particulate matter. Statement II: The diesel engines run with rich mixture having high air to fuel ration. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: |
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct |
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect |
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect. |
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct. |
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Q46![]() *What does global strategy mean? |
i ➥ Opting for the same marketing mix in every competitive market |
ii ➥ Globalize the local conditions of marketing |
iii ➥ Creating product differentiation to suit different markets |
iv ➥ Making overseas marketing non-competitive |
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Q47![]() *The benefits from a non-global approach is to opinion for: |
i ➥ grand sale of non-luxury goods |
ii ➥ market expansion of costly products |
iii ➥ single advertising campaign worldwide |
iv ➥ refreshing marketing economies of scale |
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Q48![]() *If the global strategy is benefit of local conditions, the business consequence is |
i ➥ more investment in media advertising campaigns |
ii ➥ emergence of different national markets |
iii ➥ change in the customer needs |
iv ➥ the dominance of competitors who focus on local conditions |
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Q49![]() *The assessment of global brands in the passage is that |
i ➥ they should have a single packaging approach |
ii ➥ they should advertise the product reflecting global conditions |
iii ➥ the global products should have different names and logo |
iv ➥ the globalization of business marketing is a reality |
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Q50![]() * What should be the global strategy in business? |
i ➥ Sell different brands in different overseas markets |
ii ➥ Market, the same product in every country the same way |
iii ➥ Decide to enter the overseas market |
iv ➥ Know the local conditions of the local market |
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Date- 9-Oct-2020, Shift-Morning
Date- 17-Oct-2020, Shift- Morning