Q1➡|Software Quality Which one of the following non-functional quality attributes is not highly affected by the architecture of the software?
i ➥ Performance
ii ➥ Reliability
iii ➥ Usability
iv ➥ Portability
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q2➡|Software Quality Which of the following are external qualities of a software product?
i ➥ Maintainability, reusability, portability, efficiency, correctness.
ii ➥ Correctness, reliability, robustness, efficiency, usability.
iii ➥ Portability, interoperability, maintainability, reusability.
iv ➥ Robustness, efficiency, reliability, maintainability, reusability.
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q3➡|Software Quality The ISO quality assurance standard that applies to software Engineering is
i ➥ ISO 9000 : 2004
ii ➥ ISO 9001 : 2000
iii ➥ ISO 9002 : 2001
iv ➥ ISO 9003 : 2004
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q4➡|Software Quality Software safety is quality assurance activity that focuses on hazards that
i ➥ affect the reliability of a software component.
ii ➥ may cause an entire system to fail.
iii ➥ may result from user input errors.
iv ➥ prevent profitable marketing of the final product.
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q5➡|Software Quality A signal processor software is expected to operate for 91.25 days after repair, and the mean software repair time is expected to be 5 minutes. Then, the availability of the software is:
i ➥ 96.9862%
ii ➥ 97.9862%
iii ➥ 98.9962%
iv ➥ 99.9962%
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q6➡|Software Quality Statistical software quality assurance in software engineering involves________.
i ➥ using sampling in place of exhaustive testing of software.
ii ➥ surveying customers to find out their opinions about product quality.
iii ➥ tracing each defect to its underlying cause, isolating the vital few causes, and moving to correct them.
iv ➥ tracing each defect to its underlying causes, and using the Pareto principle to correct each problem found.
Q8➡|Software Quality Which of the following represents the life cycle of software development?
i ➥ Design → Analysis → Coding→ Operations and maintenance→ Testing
ii ➥ Analysis→ Design→ Coding→ Testing→ Operation and Maintenance
iii ➥ Design→ Analysis→ Coding→ Testing→ Operation and Maintenance
iv ➥ Analysis→ Design→ Coding→ Operation and maintenance→ Testing
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q9➡|Software Quality If in a software project the number of user input, user output, enquiries, files and external interfaces are (15, 50, 24, 12, 8), respectively, with complexity average weighting factor. The productivity if effort = 70 percent-month is
i ➥ 110.54
ii ➥ 408.74
iii ➥ 304.78
iv ➥ 220.14
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q10➡|Software Quality Which of the following statements is/are True ? P : Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves the internal architecture. Q : An example of refactoring is adding new features to satisfy a customer requirement discovered after a project is shipped. Code :