Q1➡|Software Testing Following is used to demonstrate that the new release of software still performs the old one did by rerunning the old tests :
i ➥ Functional testing
ii ➥ Path testing
iii ➥ Stress testing
iv ➥ Regression testing
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q2➡|Software Testing Software risk estimation involves following two tasks :
i ➥ Risk magnitude and risk impact
ii ➥ Risk probability and risk impact
iii ➥ Risk maintenance and risk impact
iv ➥ Risk development and risk impact
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q3➡|Software Testing Many causes of the software crisis can be traced to mythology based on
i ➥ Management Myths
ii ➥ Customer Myths
iii ➥ Practitioner Myths
iv ➥ All of the above
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q4➡|Software Testing Which one of the following is not a risk management technique for managing the risk due to unrealistic schedules and budgets ?
i ➥ Information hiding
ii ➥ Incremental development
iii ➥ Design cost
iv ➥ Detailed multi source cost and schedule estimation.
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q5➡|Software Testing ___________ of a system is the structure or structures of the system which comprise software elements, the externally visible properties of these elements and the relationship amongst them.
i ➥ Software reuse
ii ➥ Software architecture
iii ➥ Software evolution
iv ➥ Software construction
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Software Testing Questions-Answers
Q6➡|Software Testing Regression testing is primarily related to
i ➥ Maintenance testing
ii ➥ Data flow testing
iii ➥ Development testing
iv ➥ Functional testing
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q7➡|Software Testing In which testing strategy requirements established during requirements analysis are validated against developed software?
i ➥ Validation testing
ii ➥ Integration testing
iii ➥ Regression testing
iv ➥ System testing
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q8➡|Software Testing In software testing, how the error, fault and failure are related to each other?
i ➥ Fault leads to error and error leads to failure
ii ➥ Error leads to fault and fault leads to failure.
iii ➥ Fault leads to failure but error is not related to fault and failure.
iv ➥ Error leads to failure but fault is not related to error and failure.
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q9➡|Software Testing For a program of k variables, boundary value analysis yields __ test cases.
i ➥ 4k – 1
ii ➥ 4k
iii ➥ 4k + 1
iv ➥ 2k – 1
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q10➡|Software Testing Which of the following testing techniques ensures that the software product runs correctly after the changes during maintenance ?
i ➥ Regression Testing
ii ➥ Unit Testing
iii ➥ Integration Testing
iv ➥ Path Testing
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q11➡|Software Testing What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized? (a) Integration Testing (b) System Testing (c) Unit Testing (d) Validation Testing
i ➥ (b),(d),(a),(c)
ii ➥ (d),(c),(b),(a)
iii ➥ (c),(a),(d),(b)
iv ➥ (c),(a),(b),(d)
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q12➡|Software Testing Which of the following is NOT a goal of the software testing?
i ➥ Error detection
ii ➥ Size reduction
iii ➥ Fault detection
iv ➥ Failure detection
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q13➡|Software Testing The testing of software against SRS is called :
i ➥ Series testing
ii ➥ Regression testing
iii ➥ Integration testing
iv ➥ Acceptance testing
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q14➡|Software Testing Equivalence partitioning is a__________testing method that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.
i ➥ Smoke
ii ➥ Regression
iii ➥ Black box
iv ➥ White box
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q15➡|Software Testing Basis path testing falls under
i ➥ unit testing
ii ➥ white box testing
iii ➥ system testing
iv ➥ Black Box testing
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Answer: ii Explanation: in software engineering, basis path testing, or structured testing, is a white box method for designing test cases. The method analyzes the control-flow graph of a program to find a set of linearly independent paths of execution.
Q16➡|Software Testing Testing of software with actual data and in actual environment is called
i ➥ Regression testing
ii ➥ Beta testing
iii ➥ Alpha testing
iv ➥ None
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q17➡|Software Testing “Black” refers in the “Black-box” testing means
i ➥ Users are hidden
ii ➥ Design is hidden
iii ➥ Input/output is hidden
iv ➥ Characters of the movie “Black”
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q18➡|Software Testing Which of the following is used for test data generation ?
i ➥ Boundary value analysis
ii ➥ Black Box
iii ➥ White Box
iv ➥ All of the above
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q19➡|Software Testing Any error whose cause cannot be identified anywhere within the software system is called __
i ➥ Logic error
ii ➥ Inherent error
iii ➥ External error
iv ➥ Internal error
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q20➡|Software Testing Black Box testing is done
i ➥ at client side.
ii ➥ to examine internal details of code.
iii ➥ to show that s/w is operational at its interfaces i.e. input and output.
iv ➥ none of above.
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q21➡|Software Testing The approach to software testing is to design test cases to :
i ➥ analyse the design of sub processes in the software
ii ➥ analyze the output of the software
iii ➥ understand the software
iv ➥ break the software
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q22➡|Software Testing Which of the following statements is/are FALSE with respect to software testing ? S1 : White-box tests are based on specifications; better at telling whether program meets specification, better at finding errors of omission. S2 : Black- box tests are based on code; better for finding crashes, out of bounds errors, file not closed errors. S3 : Alpha testing is conducted at the developer’s site by a team of highly skilled testers for software that is developed as a product to be used by many customers.
i ➥ Only S1 and S3 are FALSE.
ii ➥ Only S2 and S3 are FALSE.
iii ➥ Only S1 and S2 are FALSE.
iv ➥ All of S1, S2, and S3 are FALSE.
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q23➡|Software Testing Consider the method mcq ( ): int mcq(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c, boolean d) { int ans=1; if(a) { ans = 2; } else if (b) { ans = 3; } else if (c) { if (d) { ans = 4; } return ans; } if M1 = Number of tests to exhaustively test mcq( ); M2 = Minimum number of tests to achieve full statement coverage for mcq( ); and M3 = Minimum number of tests to achieve full branch coverage for mcq( ); then (M1, M2, M3) = __.
i ➥ (16, 4, 4)
ii ➥ (8, 3, 5)
iii ➥ (8, 5, 3)
iv ➥ (16, 3, 5)
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q24➡|Software Testing Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE with regard to software testing ? I. Regression testing technique ensures that the software product runs correctly after the changes during maintenance. II. Equivalence partitioning is a white-box testing technique that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.
i ➥ only I
ii ➥ only II
iii ➥ both I and II
iv ➥ neither I nor II
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q25➡|Software Testing Which of the following are facts about a top-down software testing approach? I. Top-down testing typically requires the tester to build method stubs. II. Top-down testing typically requires the tester to build test drivers.
i ➥ Only I
ii ➥ Only II
iii ➥ Both I and II
iv ➥ Neither I nor II
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q26➡|Software Testing Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
i ➥ In white-box testing, the test cases are decided from the specifications or the requirements
ii ➥ The reliability of a system can also be specified as the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
iii ➥ Reliability of a software specifies the probability of failure-free operation of that software for a given time duration.
iv ➥ Pareto analysis is a statistical method used for analyzing causes, and is one of the primary tools for quality management.
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q27➡|Software Testing Which one of the following statements, related to the requirements phase in Software Engineering, is incorrect?
i ➥ “Function points” is one of the most commonly used size metric for requirements
ii ➥ “Modelling-oriented approach” is one of the methods for specifying the functional specifications
iii ➥ “Prototyping” is one of the methods for requirement analysis.
iv ➥ “Requirement validation” is one of the activities in the requirements phase.
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q28➡|Software Testing In the context of software testing, which of the following statements is/are NOT correct? P: A minimal test set that achieves 100% path coverage will also achieve 100% statement coverage. Q: A minimal test set that achieves 100% path coverage will generally detect more faults than one that achieves 100% statement coverage R: A minimal test set that achieves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than one that achieves 100% branch coverage
i ➥ Q only
ii ➥ R only
iii ➥ P and Q only
iv ➥ Q and R only
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q29➡|Software Testing Regression testing is primarily related to
i ➥ Maintenance testing
ii ➥ Data flow testing
iii ➥ Development testing
iv ➥ Functional testing
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q30➡|Software Testing What is the availability of the software with following reliability figures Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is 20 days Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is 20 hours
i ➥ 24%
ii ➥ 50%
iii ➥ 90%
iv ➥ 96%
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q31➡|Software Testing Which of the following techniques are used for selection of test cases during structural testing?
i ➥ Boundary value analysis
ii ➥ Cause-effect graphing
iii ➥ Equivalence class partitioning
iv ➥ Data flow based testing
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q32➡|Software Testing Regression testing is primarily related to
i ➥ development testing
ii ➥ maintenance testing
iii ➥ data flow testing
iv ➥ function testing
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q33➡|Software Testing Acceptance testing is done by
i ➥ developers
ii ➥ testers
iii ➥ customers
iv ➥ None of the Above
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q34➡|Software Testing The approach to software testing is to design test cases to
i ➥ understand the software
ii ➥ analyze the output of the software
iii ➥ analyze the design of sub processes in the software
iv ➥ break the software
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q34➡|Software Testing Beta testing is carried out by
i ➥ developers
ii ➥ managers
iii ➥ users
iv ➥ None of the Above
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Software Testing Questions-Answers
Q35➡|Software Testing Match the following :
i ➥ P-ii, Q-iii, R-i, S-iv
ii ➥ P-iii, Q-iv, R-ii, S-i
iii ➥ P-iii, Q-ii, R-iv, S-ii
iv ➥ P-iii, Q-i, R-ii, S-iv
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q36➡|Software Testing Match the following : Which of the following is true :
i ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
ii ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
iii ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)
iv ➥ None of the above
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q37➡|Software Testing Which of the following is a white box testing technique?
i ➥ Cause effect graphing
ii ➥ State based testing
iii ➥ Equivalence class testing
iv ➥ Data flow testing
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q38➡|Software Testing Alpha and Beta testing are forms of
i ➥ Unit testing
ii ➥ System testing
iii ➥ Integration testing
iv ➥ Acceptance testing
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q39➡|Software Testing What is the testing to ensure the WebApp property interfaces with other applications or databases?
i ➥ Performance
ii ➥ Security
iii ➥ Interoperability
iv ➥ Compatibility
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q40➡|Software Testing In testing phase, the effort distribution is upto
i ➥ 10%
ii ➥ 20%
iii ➥ 40%
iv ➥ 50%
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q41➡|Software Testing The graph theoretic concept will be useful in software testing is
i ➥ Cyclomatic number
ii ➥ Hamiltonian Circuit
iii ➥ Eulerian cycle
iv ➥ None of these
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q42➡|Software Testing The advantage of better testing in software development is in
i ➥ Prototyping
ii ➥ Iterative
iii ➥ Waterfall model
iv ➥ All
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q43➡|Software Testing Which of the following testing methods uses fault simulation technique?
i ➥ unit testing
ii ➥ beta testing
iii ➥ stress testing
iv ➥ mutation testing
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q44➡|Software Testing If a program P calls two subprograms P1 and P2 and P1 can fail 50% of the time and P2 can fail 40% of the time, what is the failure rate of program P
i ➥ 10%
ii ➥ 50%
iii ➥ 60%
iv ➥ 70%
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q45➡|Software Testing If a program P calls two subprograms P1 and P2 and P1 can fail 50% of the time and P2 can fail 40% of the time, what is the failure rate of program P
i ➥ 10%
ii ➥ 50%
iii ➥ 60%
iv ➥ 70%
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Answer: iv Explanation:
Q46➡|Software Testing Black Box Software Testing method focuses on the
i ➥ Boundary condition of the software
ii ➥ Functional requirement of the software
iii ➥ Control structure of the software
iv ➥ Independent paths of the software
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Answer: ii Explanation:
Q47➡|Software Testing A testing method which is normally used as the acceptance test for a software system, is
i ➥ System Testing
ii ➥ Unit Testing
iii ➥ Integration Testing
iv ➥ Regression Testing
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Answer: i Explanation:
Q48➡|Software Testing Activities which ensure that the software that has been built, is traceable to customer requirement is covered as part of
i ➥ Modeling
ii ➥ Maintenance
iii ➥ Validation
iv ➥ Verification
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q49➡|Software Testing The extent to which the software can continue to operate correctly despite the introduction of invalid inputs is called as
i ➥ Portability
ii ➥ Fault tolerance
iii ➥ Robustness
iv ➥ Reliability
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Answer: iii Explanation:
Q50➡|Software Testing To execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds is an example of