UGC NET June-2018
Q1 The definitions in an XML document are said to be __ when the tagging system and definitions in the DTD are all in compliance. |
A ➥ well-formed |
B ➥ reasonable |
C ➥ valid |
D ➥ logical |
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Q2 Consider the JavaScript Code : var y= ’’12”; function f( ) { var y=’’6”; alert (this.y); function g( ) {alert (y); } g( ); } f( ); If M is the number of alert dialog boxes generated by this JavaScript code and D1, D2, ……, DM represents the content displayed in each of the M dialog boxes, then |
A ➥ M=3; D1 displays ”12”; D2 displays ”6”; D3 displays ”12”. |
B ➥ M=3; D1 displays ”6”; D2 displays ”12”; D3 displays ”6”. |
C ➥ M=2; D1 displays ”6”; D2 displays ”12”. |
D ➥ M=2; D1 displays ”12”; D2 displays ”6”. |
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Q3 What is the output of the following JAVA program ? class simple { public static void main(String[ ] args) { simple obj = new simple( ); obj.start( ); } void start( ) { long [ ] P= {3, 4, 5}; long [ ] Q= method (P); System.out.print (P[0] + P[1] + P[2]+”:”); System.out.print (Q[0] + Q[1] + Q[2]); } long [ ] method (long [ ] R) { R [1]=7; return R; } } //end of class |
A ➥ well-formed |
B ➥ 12 : 12 |
C ➥ 15 : 12 |
D ➥ 15 : 15 |
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Q4 What is the output of the following ‘C’ program ? (Assuming little – endian representation of multi-byte data in which Least Significant Byte (LSB) is stored at the lowest memory address.) include include /* Assume short int occupies two bytes of storage / int main ( ) { union saving { short int one; char two[2]; }; union saving m; m.two [0] = 5; m.two [1] = 2; printf(’’%d, %d, %d\n”, m.two [0], m.two [1],; }/ end of main */ |
A ➥ 5, 2, 1282 |
B ➥ 5, 2, 52 |
C ➥ 5, 2, 25 |
D ➥ 5, 2, 517 |
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Q5 Given below are three implementations of the swap( ) function in C++ : ![]() Which of these would actually swap the contents of the two integer variables p and q ? |
A ➥ (a) only |
B ➥ (b) only |
C ➥ (c) only |
D ➥ (b) and (c) only |
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Q6 In Java, which of the following statements is/are True ? S1 : The ‘final’ keyword applied to a class definition prevents the class from being extended through derivation. S2 : A class can only inherit one class but can implement multiple interfaces. S3 : Java permits a class to replace the implementation of a method that it has inherited. It is called method overloading. Code: |
A ➥ S1 and S2 only |
B ➥ S1 and S3 only |
C ➥ S2 and S3 only |
D ➥ All of S1, S2 and S3 |
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Q7 Which of the following statements is/are True ? P : C programming language has a weak type system with static types. Q : Java programming language has a strong type system with static types. Code: |
A ➥ P only |
B ➥ Q only |
C ➥ Both P and Q |
D ➥ Neither P nor Q |
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Q8 A graphic display system has a frame buffer that is 640 pixels wide, 480 pixels high and 1 bit of color depth. If the access time for each pixel on the average is 200 nanoseconds, then the refresh rate of this frame buffer is approximately : |
i ➥ 16 frames per second |
ii ➥ 19 frames per second |
iii ➥ 21 frames per second |
iv ➥ 23 frames per second |
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i ➥ S1 only |
ii ➥ S2 only |
iii ➥ Both S1 and S2 |
iv ➥ Neither S1 Nor S2 |
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Q10 Consider the matrix ![]() representing a set of planar (2D) geometric transformations in homogeneous coordinates. Which of the following statements about the matrix M is True ? |
i ➥ M represents first, a scaling of vector (2, 1) followed by translation of vector (1, 1) |
ii ➥ M represents first, a translation of vector (1, 1) followed by scaling of vector (2, 1) |
iii ➥ M represents first, a scaling of vector (3, 1) followed by shearing of parameters (−1, 1) |
iv ➥ M represents first, a shearing of parameters (−1, 1) followed by scaling of vector (3, 1) |
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Q11 Assume the following regarding the development of a software system P: ➤ Estimated lines of code of P : 33, 480 LOC ➤ Average productivity for P : 620 LOC per person-month ➤ Number of software developers : 6 ➤ Average salary of a software developer : 50,000 per month If E, D and C are the estimated development effort (in person-months), estimated development time (in months), and estimated development cost (in Lac) respectively, then (E, D, C) =__________ |
A ➥ (48, 8, 24) |
B ➥ (54, 9, 27) |
C ➥ (60, 10, 30) |
D ➥ (42, 7, 21) |
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Q12![]() |
A ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i) |
B ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)- (i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii) |
C ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)- (i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii) |
D ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)- (iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii) |
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Q13 Which one of the following is not typically provided by Source Code Management Software ? |
A ➥ Synchronisation |
B ➥ Versioning and Revision history |
C ➥ Syntax highlighting |
D ➥ Project forking |
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Q14 A software system crashed 20 times in the year 2017 and for each crash, it took 2 minutes to restart. Approximately, what was the software availability in that year ? |
A ➥ 96.9924% |
B ➥ 97.9924% |
C ➥ 98.9924% |
D ➥ 99.9924% |
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Q15 Match the 5 CMM Maturity levels/CMMI staged representations in List- I with their characterizations in List-II : ![]() |
A ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(v), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii), (e)-(ii) |
B ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(v), (e)-(iii) |
C ➥ (a)-(v), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii), (e)-(i) |
D ➥ (a)- (iv), (b)-(v), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii), (e)-(i) |
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Q16 Coupling is a measure of the strength of the interconnections between software modules. Which of the following are correct statements with respect to module coupling ? P : Common coupling occurs when one module controls the flow of another module by passing it information on what to do. Q : In data coupling, the complete data structure is passed from one module to another through parameters. R : Stamp coupling occurs when modules share a composite data structure and use only parts of it. |
A ➥ P and Q only |
B ➥ P and R only |
C ➥ Q and R only |
D ➥ All of P, Q and R |
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Q17 A software design pattern often used to restrict access to an object is : |
A ➥ adapter |
B ➥ decorator |
C ➥ delegation |
D ➥ proxy |
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Q18 Reasons to re-engineer a software include : P : Allow legacy software to quickly adapt to the changing requirements Q : Upgrade to newer technologies/platforms/paradigm (for example, object-oriented) R : Improve software maintainability S : Allow change in the functionality and architecture of the software |
A ➥ P, R and S only |
B ➥ P and R only |
C ➥ P, Q and S only |
D ➥ P, Q and R only |
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Q19 Which of the following is not a key strategy followed by the clean room approach to software development ? |
A ➥ Formal specification |
B ➥ Dynamic verification |
C ➥ Incremental development |
D ➥ Statistical testing of the system |
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Q20 Which of the following statements is/are True ? P : Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves the internal architecture. Q : An example of refactoring is adding new features to satisfy a customer requirement discovered after a project is shipped. |
A ➥ A P only |
B ➥ Q only |
C ➥ Both P and Q |
D ➥ Neither P nor Q |
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Q21 The solution of the recurrence relation T(m)=T(3m/4)+1 is : |
A ➥ θ(lg m) |
B ➥ θ(m) |
C ➥ θ(mlg m) |
D ➥ θ(lglg m) |
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Q22 Consider the array A=<4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7>. After building heap from the array A, the depth of the heap and the right child of max-heap are__________ and __ respectively. (Root is at level 0). |
A ➥ 3, 14 |
B ➥ 3, 10 |
C ➥ 4, 14 |
D ➥ 4, 10 |
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Q23 A hash function h defined h(key)=key mod 7, with linear probing, is used to insert the keys 44, 45, 79, 55, 91, 18, 63 into a table indexed from 0 to 6. What will be the location of key 18 ? |
A ➥ 3 |
B ➥ 4 |
C ➥ 5 |
D ➥ 6 |
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Q24 Which of the following algorithms solves the single-source shortest paths ? |
A ➥ Prim’s algorithm |
B ➥ Floyd – Warshall algorithm |
C ➥ Johnson’s algorithm |
D ➥ Dijkstra’s algorithm |
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Q25 A text is made up of the characters A, B, C, D, E each occurring with the probability 0.08, 0.40, 0.25, 0.15 and 0.12 respectively. The optimal coding technique will have the average length of : |
A ➥ 2.4 |
B ➥ 1.87 |
C ➥ 3.0 |
D ➥ 2.15 |
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Q26 A binary search tree in which every non-leaf node has non-empty left and right subtrees is called a strictly binary tree. Such a tree with 19 leaves : |
A ➥ cannot have more than 37 nodes |
B ➥ has exactly 37 nodes |
C ➥ has exactly 35 nodes |
D ➥ cannot have more than 35 nodes |
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Q27![]() Code: |
A ➥ (a)-(iv),(b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii) |
B ➥ (a)-(iv),(b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii) |
C ➥ (a)-(iii),(b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i) |
D ➥ (a)-(iv),(b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i) |
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Q28 The maximum number of comparisons needed to sort 9 items using radix sort is (assume each item is 5 digit octal number) : |
A ➥ 45 |
B ➥ 72 |
C ➥ 360 |
D ➥ 450 |
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Q29 A 5-ary tree is tree in which every internal node has exactly 5 children. The number of left nodes in such a tree with 8 internal nodes will be : |
A ➥ 30 |
B ➥ 33 |
C ➥ 45 |
D ➥ 125 |
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Q30 Consider a Boolean function of ‘n’ variables. The order of an algorithm that determines whether the Boolean function produces a output 1 is : |
A ➥ Logarithmic |
B ➥ Linear |
C ➥ Quadratic |
D ➥ Exponential |
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Q31 Two finite state machines are said to be equivalent if they : |
A ➥ Have the same number of edges |
B ➥ Have the same number of states |
C ➥ Recognize the same set of tokens |
D ➥ Have the same number of states and edges |
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Q32 The finite state machine given in figure below recognizes : ![]() |
A ➥ any string of odd number of a’s |
B ➥ any string of odd number of b’s |
C ➥ any string of even number of a’s and odd number of b’s |
D ➥ any string of odd number of a’s and odd number of b’s |
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Q33 A pushdown automata behaves like a Turing machine when the number of auxiliary memory is : |
A ➥ 0 |
B ➥ 1 |
C ➥ 1 or more |
D ➥ 2 or more |
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Q34 Pushdown automata can recognize language generated by . |
A ➥ Only context free grammar |
B ➥ Only regular grammar |
C ➥ Context free grammar or regular grammar |
D ➥ Only context sensitive grammar |
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Q35 To obtain a string of n Terminals from a given Chomsky normal form grammar, the number of productions to be used is : |
A ➥ 2n−1 |
B ➥ 2n |
C ➥ n+1 |
D ➥ n 2 |
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Q36 Consider the following two Grammars : G1 : S → SbS|a G2 : S → aB|ab, A→GAB|a, B→ABb|b Which of the following option is correct ? |
A ➥ Only G1 is ambiguous |
B ➥ Only G2 is ambiguous |
C ➥ Both G1 and G2 are ambiguous |
D ➥ Both G1 and G2 are not ambiguous |
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Q37 Context sensitive language can be recognized by a : |
A ➥ Finite state machine |
B ➥ Deterministic finite automata |
C ➥ Non-deterministic finite automata |
D ➥ Linear bounded automata |
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Q38 The set A={ 0n 1n 2n | n=1, 2, 3, ……… } is an example of a grammar that is : |
A ➥ Context sensitive |
B ➥ Context free |
C ➥ Regular |
D ➥ None of the above |
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Q39 A bottom-up parser generates : |
A ➥ Leftmost derivation in reverse |
B ➥ Right-most derivation in reverse |
C ➥ Left-most derivation |
D ➥ Right-most derivation |
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Q40 Consider the following statements( ) : S1 : There exists no algorithm for deciding if any two Turing machines M1 and M2 accept the same language. S2 : The problem of determining whether a Turing machine halts on any input is undecidable. Which of the following options is correct ? |
A ➥ Both S1 and S2 are correct |
B ➥ Both S1 and S2 are not correct |
C ➥ Only S1 is correct |
D ➥ Only S2 is correct |
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Question 41 A slotted ALOHA network transmits 200-bit frames using a shared channel with a 200 Kbps bandwidth. Find the throughput of the system, if the system (all stations put together) produces 250 frames per second: |
i ➥ 49 |
ii ➥ 368 |
iii ➥ 149 |
iv ➥ 151 |
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Question 42 The period of a signal is 100 ms. Its frequency is: |
i ➥ 1003 Hertz |
ii ➥ 10−2 KHz |
iii ➥ 10−3 KHz |
iv ➥ 105 Hertz |
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Question 43 The dotted-decimal notation of the following IPV4 address in binary notation is . 10000001 00001011 00001011 11101111 |
i ➥ |
ii ➥ |
iii ➥ |
iv ➥ |
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Question 44 Which of the following statements are true ? (I) Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) is a second generation cellular phone system. (II) IS – 95 is a second generation cellular phone system based on CDMA and DSSS. (III) The Third generation cellular phone system will provide universal personnel communication. |
i ➥ (a) and (b) only |
ii ➥ (b) and (c) only |
iii ➥ (a), (b) and (c) |
iv ➥ (a) and (c) only |
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Question 45 Match the following symmetric block ciphers with corresponding block and key sizes : ![]() |
i ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii) |
ii ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii) |
iii ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i) |
iv ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i) |
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Question 46 Which of the following statements are true ? (a) Three broad categories of Networks are (i) Circuit Switched Networks (ii) Packet Switched Networks (iii) Message Switched Networks (b) Circuit Switched Network resources need not be reserved during the set up phase. (c) In packet switching there is no resource allocation for packets. Code: |
i ➥ (a) and (b) only |
ii ➥ (b) and (c) only |
iii ➥ (a) and (c) only |
iv ➥ (a), (b) and (C) |
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Question 47 In Challenge-Response authentication the claimant__________ |
i ➥ Proves that she knows the secret without revealing it |
ii ➥ Proves that she doesn’t know the secret |
iii ➥ Reveals the secret |
iv ➥ Gives a challenge |
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Question 48 Decrypt the message “WTAAD” using the Caesar Cipher with key=15. |
i ➥ LIPPS |
ii ➥ HELLO |
iii ➥ OLLEH |
iv ➥ DAATW |
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Question 49 To guarantee correction of upto t errors, the minimum Hamming distance dmin in a block code must be__________. |
i ➥ t+1 |
ii ➥ t−2 |
iii ➥ 2t−1 |
iv ➥ 2t+1 |
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Question 50 Encrypt the Message “HELLO MY DEARZ” using Transposition Cipher with ![]() |
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Q51 At a particular time of computation, the value of a counting semaphore is 10. Then 12 P operations and “x” V operations were performed on this semaphore. If the final value of semaphore is 7, x will be : |
A ➥ 8 |
B ➥ 9 |
C ➥ 11 |
D ➥ 10 |
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Q52 In a paged memory, the page hit ratio is 0.40. The time required to access a page in secondary memory is equal to 120 ns. The time required to access a page in primary memory is 15 ns. The average time required to access a page is . |
A ➥ 105 |
B ➥ 68 |
C ➥ 75 |
D ➥ 78 |
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Q53 In a multi-user operating system, 30 requests are made to use a particular resource per hour, on an average. The probability that no requests are made in 40 minutes, when arrival pattern is a poisson distribution, is __________ |
A ➥ e-15 |
B ➥ 1-e-15 |
C ➥ 1-e-20 |
D ➥ e-20 |
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Q54 Normally user programs are prevented from handling I/O directly by I/O instructions in them. For CPUs having explicit I/O instructions, such I/O protection is ensured by having the I/O instructions privileged. In a CPU with memory mapped I/O, there is no explicit I/O instruction. Which one of the following is true for a CPU with memory mapped I/O ? |
A ➥ I/O protection is ensured by operating system routines. |
B ➥ I/O protection is ensured by a hardware trap. |
C ➥ I/O protection is ensured during system configuration. |
D ➥ I/O protection is not possible. |
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Q55 Which UNIX/Linux command is used to make all files and sub-directories in the directory “progs” executable by all users ? |
A ➥ chmod− R a+x progs |
B ➥ chmod −R 222 progs |
C ➥ chmod−X a+x progs |
D ➥ chmod −X 222 progs |
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Q56 Which of the following statements are true ? (i) External Fragmentation exists when there is enough total memory space to satisfy a request but the available space is contiguous. (ii) Memory Fragmentation can be internal as well as external. (iii) One solution to external Fragmentation is compaction. Code: |
A ➥ (a) and (b) only |
B ➥ (a) and (c) only |
C ➥ (b) and (c) only |
D ➥ (a), (b) and (c) |
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Q57 Page information in memory is also called as Page Table. The essential contents in each entry of a page table is/are . |
A ➥ Page Access information |
B ➥ Virtual Page number |
C ➥ Page Frame number |
D ➥ Both virtual page number and Page Frame Number |
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Q58 Consider a virtual page reference string 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4. Suppose LRU page replacement algorithm is implemented with 3 page frames in main memory. Then the number of page faults are . |
A ➥ 5 |
B ➥ 7 |
C ➥ 9 |
D ➥ 10 |
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Q59 Consider the following three processes with the arrival time and CPU burst time given in milliseconds : ![]() The Gantt Chart for preemptive SJF scheduling algorithm is |
A ➥ ![]() |
B ➥ ![]() |
C ➥ ![]() |
D ➥ ![]() |
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Q60 In which of the following scheduling criteria, context switching will never take place ? |
B ➥ Preemptive SJF |
C ➥ Non-preemptive SJF |
D ➥ Preemptive priority |
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Q61 In RDBMS, which type of Join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition ? |
A ➥ Inner Join |
B ➥ Outer Join |
C ➥ Semi Join |
D ➥ Anti Join |
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Q62 Consider a relation book(title, price) which contains the titles and prices of different books. Assuming that no two books have the same price, what does the following SQL query list ? SELECT title FROM book AS B WHERE(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM book AS T WHERE T.price > B.price) < 7 |
A ➥ Titles of the six most expensive books. |
B ➥ Title of the sixth most expensive books. |
C ➥ Titles of the seven most expensive books. |
D ➥ Title of the seventh most expensive books. |
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Q63 In a Hierarchical database, a hashing function is used to locate the________ |
A ➥ Collision |
B ➥ Root |
C ➥ Foreign Key |
D ➥ Records |
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Q64 Relations produced from E-R Model will always be in________ |
A ➥ 1 NF |
B ➥ 2 NF |
C ➥ 3 NF |
D ➥ 4 NF |
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Q65 Consider the following schedules involving two transactions. S1: r1(X) ; r1(Y) ; r2(X) ; r2(Y) ; w2(Y) ; w1(X) S2 : r1(X) ; r2(X) ; r2(Y) ; w2(Y) ; r1(Y) ; w1(X) Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to above ? |
A ➥ Both S1 and S2 are conflict serializable. |
B ➥ Both S1 and S2 are not conflict serializable. |
C ➥ S1 is conflict serializable and S2 is not conflict serializable. |
D ➥ S1 is not conflict serializable and S2 is conflict serializable. |
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Q66 For a database relation R(a, b, c, d) where the domains of a, b, c and d include only atomic values, and only the following functional dependencies and those that can be inferred from them hold : a → c b → d The relation is in______ |
A ➥ First normal form but not in second normal form |
B ➥ Second normal form but not in third normal form |
C ➥ Third normal form |
D ➥ BCNF |
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Q67 A many-to-one relationship exists between entity sets r1 and r2. How will it be represented using functional dependencies if Pk(r) denotes the primary key attribute of relation r? |
A ➥ Pk(r1 ) → Pk(r2 ) |
B ➥ Pk(r2 ) → Pk(r1 ) |
C ➥ Pk(r2 ) → Pk(r1 ) and Pk(r1 ) → Pk(r2 ) |
D ➥ Pk(r2 ) → Pk(r1 ) or Pk(r1 ) → Pk(r2 ) |
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Q68 Database systems that store each relation in a separate operating system file may use the operating system’s authorization scheme, instead of defining a special scheme themselves. In this case, which of the following is false ? |
A ➥ The administrator enjoys more control on the grant option. |
B ➥ It is difficult to differentiate among the update, delete and insert authorizations. |
C ➥ Cannot store more than one relation in a file |
D ➥ Operations on the database are speeded up as the authorization procedure is carried out at the operating |
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Q69 Let R1(a,b,c) and R2(x,y,z) be two relations in which a is the foreign key of R1 that refers to the primary key of R2 . Consider following four options. (i) Insert into R1 (ii) Insert into R2 (iii) Delete from R1 (iv) Delete from R2 Which of the following is correct about the referential integrity constraint with respect to above ? |
A ➥ Operations (a) and (b) will cause violation. |
B ➥ Operations (b) and (c) will cause violation. |
C ➥ Operations (c) and (d) will cause violation. |
D ➥ Operations (d) and (a) will cause violation. |
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Q70 Consider a hash table of size seven, with starting index zero, and a hash function (7x+3) mod 4. Assuming the hash table is initially empty, which of the following is the contents of the table when the sequence 1, 3, 8, 10 is inserted into the table using closed hashing ? Here “__ ” denotes an empty location in the table. |
A ➥ 3, 10, 1, 8,__,___,__ |
B ➥ 1, 3, 8, 10,__,___,__ |
C ➥ 1,__,3,__,8,__,10 |
D ➥ 3,10,___,___,8,___,___, |
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Q71 In Artificial Intelligence (AI), an environment is uncertain if it is________ |
A ➥ Not fully observable and not deterministic |
B ➥ Not fully observable or not deterministic |
C ➥ Fully observable but not deterministic |
D ➥ Not fully observable but deterministic |
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Q72 In Artificial Intelligence (AI), a simple reflex agent selects actions on the basis of_______ |
A ➥ current percept, completely ignoring rest of the percept history. |
B ➥ rest of the percept history, completely ignoring current percept. |
C ➥ both current percept and complete percept history. |
D ➥ both current percept and just previous percept. |
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Q73 In heuristic search algorithms in Artificial Intelligence (AI), if a collection of admissible heuristics h1 …….hm is available for a problem and none of them dominates any of the others, which should we choose ? |
A ➥ h(n)=max{h1 (n),….,hm(n)} |
B ➥ h(n)=min{h1 (n),….,hm(n)} |
C ➥ h(n)=avg{h1 (n),….,hm(n)} |
D ➥ h(n)=sum{h1 (n),….,hm(n)} |
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Q74 Consider following sentences regarding A, an informed search strategy in Artificial Intelligence (AI). (A) A expands all nodes with f(n) < C*. (B) A expands no nodes with f(n) /C*. (C) Pruning is integral to A*. Here, C* is the cost of the optimal solution path. Which of the following is correct with respect to the above statements ? |
A ➥ Both statement (a) and statement (b) are true. |
B ➥ Both statement (a) and statement (c) are true. |
C ➥ Both statement (b) and statement (c) are true. |
D ➥ All the statements (a), (b) and (c) are true. |
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Q75 Consider a vocabulary with only four propositions A, B, C and D. How many models are there for the following sentence ? |
A ➥ 10 |
B ➥ 12 |
C ➥ 15 |
D ➥ 16 |
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Q76 Consider the following statements : (A) False |= True (B) If α |= (β ∧ γ) then α |= β and α |= γ. Which of the following is correct with respect to the above statements ? |
A ➥ Both statement (a) and statement (b) are false. |
B ➥ Statement (a) is true but statement (b) is false. |
C ➥ Statement (a) is false but statement (b) is true. |
D ➥ Both statement (a) and statement (b) are true. |
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Q77 Consider the following English sentence : “Agra and Gwalior are both in India”. A student has written a logical sentence for the above English sentence in First-Order Logic using predicate In(x, y), which means x is in y, as follows : In(Agra, India) ⋁ In(Gwalior, India) Which one of the following is correct with respect to the above logical sentence ? |
A ➥ It is syntactically valid but does not express the meaning of the English sentence. |
B ➥ It is syntactically valid and expresses the meaning of the English sentence also. |
C ➥ It is syntactically invalid but expresses the meaning of the English sentence. |
D ➥ It is syntactically invalid and does not express the meaning of the English sentence. |
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Q78 Consider the following two sentences : (I) The planning graph data structure can be used to give a better heuristic for a planning problem. (II) Dropping negative effects from every action schema in a planning problem results in a relaxed problem. Which of the following is correct with respect to the above sentences ? |
A ➥ Both sentence (a) and sentence (b) are false. |
B ➥ Both sentence (a) and sentence (b) are true. |
C ➥ Sentence (a) is true but sentence (b) is false |
D ➥ Sentence (a) is false but sentence (b) is true. |
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Q79 A knowledge base contains just one sentence, ∃x AsHighAs (x, Everest). Consider the following two sentences obtained after applying existential instantiation. (I) AsHighAs (Everest, Everest) (II) AsHighAs (Kilimanjaro, Everest) Which of the following is correct with respect to the above sentences ? |
A ➥ Both sentence (a) and sentence (b) are sound conclusions. |
B ➥ Both sentence (a) and sentence (b) are unsound conclusions |
C ➥ Sentence (a) is sound but sentence (b) is unsound. |
D ➥ Sentence (a) is unsound but sentence (b) is sound. |
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Q80 Consider the set of all possible five-card poker hands dealt fairly from a standard deck of fifty-two cards. How many atomic events are there in the joint probability distribution ? |
A ➥ 2,598,960 |
B ➥ 3,468,960 |
C ➥ 3,958,590 |
D ➥ 2,645,590 |
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Q81 E is the number of edges in the graph and f is maximum flow in the graph. When the capacities are integers, the runtime of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is bounded by : |
A ➥ O(E∗f) |
B ➥ O(E2 ∗ f) |
C ➥ O(E ∗ f2 ) |
D ➥ O(E2 ∗ f2 ) |
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Q82 Which of the following statements is false about convex minimization problem ? |
A ➥ If a local minimum exists, then it is a global minimum |
B ➥ The set of all global minima is convex set |
C ➥ The set of all global minima is concave set |
D ➥ For each strictly convex function, if the function has a minimum, then the minimum is unique |
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Q83 The following LPP Maximize z=100x1+2x2 +5x3 Subject to 14x1+x2 −6x3 +3x4 =7 32x1 +x2 −12x3 ≤10 3x1 −x2 −x3 ≤0 x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ≥ 0 has |
A ➥ x1 =100, x2 =0, x3 =0 |
B ➥ Unbounded solution |
C ➥ No solution |
D ➥ x1 =50, x2 =70, x3 =60 |
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Q84 Digital data received from a sensor can fill up 0 to 32 buffers. Let the sample space be S={0, 1, 2, ………., 32} where the sample j denote that j of the buffers are full and P (i) = (1/561)(33 − i ) . Let A denote the event that the even number of buffers are full. Then p(A) is: |
A ➥ 0.515 |
B ➥ 0.785 |
C ➥ 0.758 |
D ➥ 0.485 |
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Q85 The equivalence of ¬∃ x Q(x) is : |
A ➥ ∃x ¬Q(x) |
B ➥ ∀x ¬Q(x) |
C ➥ ¬∃x ¬Q(x) |
D ➥ ∀x Q(x) |
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Q86 If A i = {−i, … −2,−1, 0, 1, 2, . . . . . i} then ![]() |
A ➥ Z |
B ➥ Q |
C ➥ R |
D ➥ C |
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Q87 Match the following in List – I and List – II, for a function f : ![]() |
A ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii) |
B ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i) |
C ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii) |
D ➥ (a)- (ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i) |
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Q88 Which of the relations on {0, 1, 2, 3} is an equivalence relation ? |
A ➥ { (0, 0) (0, 2) (2, 0) (2, 2) (2, 3) (3, 2) (3, 3) } |
B ➥ { (0, 0) (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) } |
C ➥ { (0, 0) (0, 1) (0, 2) (1, 0) (1, 1) (1, 2) (2, 0) } |
D ➥ { (0, 0) (0, 2) (2, 3) (1, 1) (2, 2) } |
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Q89 Which of the following is an equivalence relation on the set of all functions from Z to Z ? |
A ➥ { (f , g ) | f (x) − g (x) = 1 ∀ x ∈ Z } |
B ➥ { (f , g ) | f (0) = g (0) or f (1) = g (1)} |
C ➥ { (f , g ) | f (0) = g (1) and f (1) = g (0)} |
D ➥ { (f , g ) | f (x) − g (x) = k f or some k ∈ Z } |
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Q90 Which of the following statements is true ? |
A ➥ (Z, ≤ ) is not totally ordered |
B ➥ The set inclusion relation ⊆ is a partial ordering on the power set of a set S |
C ➥ (Z, ≠ ) is a poset |
D ➥ The directed graph ![]() |
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Q91 CMOS is a Computer Chip on the motherboard, which is : |
A ➥ RAM |
B ➥ ROM |
D ➥ Auxiliary storage |
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Q92 In RS flip-flop, the output of the flip-flop at time (t+1) is same as the output at time t, after the occurrence of a clock pulse if : |
A ➥ S=R=1 |
B ➥ S=0, R=1 |
C ➥ S=1, R=0 |
D ➥ S=R=0 |
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Q93 Match the terms in List – I with the options given in List – II : ![]() |
A ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii) |
B ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i) |
C ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv) |
D ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i) |
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Q94 What does the following logic diagram represent ? ![]() |
A ➥ Synchronous Counter |
B ➥ Ripple Counter |
C ➥ Combinational Circuit |
D ➥ Mod 2 Counter |
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Q95 The hexadecimal equivalent of the binary integer number 110101101 is : |
A ➥ D24 |
B ➥ 1 B D |
C ➥ 1 A E |
D ➥ 1 A D |
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Q96 Perform the following operation for the binary equivalent of the decimal numbers (-14)10+(15)10 The solution in 8 bit representation is : |
A ➥ 11100011 |
B ➥ 00011101 |
C ➥ 10011101 |
D ➥ 11110011 |
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Q97 Match the items in List – I and List – II : ![]() |
A ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (b)-(iv) |
B ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (b)-(iii) |
C ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (b)-(ii) |
D ➥ (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (b)-(ii) |
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Q98 Which of the following mapping is not used for mapping process in cache memory? |
A ➥ Associative mapping |
B ➥ Direct mapping |
C ➥ Set-Associative mapping |
D ➥ Segmented – page mapping |
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Q99 Simplify the following using K-map : F (A, B, C, D) = Σ (0, 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 13) d (A, B, C, D) = Σ (10, 11, 14, 15) d stands for don’t care condition. |
A ➥ A+B’ D’ + BC |
B ➥ A+B’ D’ + B’ C’ |
C ➥ A’+B’ C’ |
D ➥ A’+B’ C’+B’ D’ |
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Q100 In 8085 microprocessor, what is the output of following program? LDA 8000H MVI B, 30H ADD B STA 8001H |
A ➥ Read a number from input port and store it in memory |
B ➥ Read a number from input device with address 8000H and store it in memory at location 8001H |
C ➥ Read a number from memory at location 8000H and store it in memory location 8001H |
D ➥ Load A with data from input device with address 8000H and display it on the output device with address 8001H |