Learner Characteristics -Teaching Aptitude Questions and Answers

Learner Characteristics -Teaching Aptitude Questions and Answers

Q1➡ |Learner Characteristics
Which of the following learner characteristics are likely to influence the effectiveness of teaching aids and evaluation systems to ensure positive results?
i ➥ Learner’s family background, age and habitation.
ii ➥ Learner’s parentage, socio-economic background and performance in learning of the concerned subject.
iii ➥ Learner’s stage of development, social background and personal interests.
iv ➥ Learner’s maturity level, academic performance level and motivational dispositions.

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Answer: iv
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Q2➡ |Learner Characteristics
Among the following propositions two are related in such a way that they cannot both be true but can both be false. Select the code that states those two propositions.
(a) Every student is attentive.
(b) Some students are attentive.
(c) Students are never attentive.
(d) Some students are not attentive.
i ➥ (a) and (b)
ii ➥ (a) and (c)
iii ➥ (b) and (c)
iv ➥ (c) and (d)

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Answer: ii
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Q3➡ |Learner Characteristics
From the list given below identify the learner characteristics which would facilitate teaching-learning system to become effective. Choose the correct code to indicate your answer.
(a) Prior experience of learner
(b) Learner’s family lineage
(c) Aptitude of the learner
(d) Learner’s stage of development
(e) Learner’s food habit and hobbies
(f) Learner’s religious affiliation
i ➥ (d), (e) and (f)
ii ➥ (a), (d) and (e)
iii ➥ (b), (c) and (f)
iv ➥ (a), (c) and (d)

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Answer: iv
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Q4➡ |Learner Characteristics
For an efficient and durable learning, learner should have
i ➥ ability to learn only
ii ➥ requisite level of motivation only
iii ➥ opportunities to learn only
iv ➥ desired level of ability and motivation

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Answer: iv
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Q5➡ |Learner Characteristics
Which of the following learner characteristics is highly related to effectiveness of teaching ?
i ➥ Prior experience of the learner
ii ➥ Educational status of the parents of the learner
iii ➥ Peer groups of the learner
iv ➥ Family size from which the learner comes

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Answer: i
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Q6➡ |Learner Characteristics
Which among the following describe emotional intelligence as a learner characteristic ?
(a) Recognize their own and other people’s emotions
(b) Expressing their emotions strongly
(c) Use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior
(d) Good observation, scientific thinking and deductive reasoning
(e) Adjusting emotions to adapt to environments
(f) Being creative and open to diverse viewpoints
i ➥ (b), (d) and (e)
ii ➥ (a), (d) and (f)
iii ➥ (c), (e) and (f)
iv ➥ (a), (c) and (e)

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Answer: iv
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Q7➡ |Learner Characteristics
Which among the following best describes the emotional intelligene of learners?
(a) Understand the emotion of other people and your own
(b) Express oneself very strongly
(c) Being rational in thinking
(d) Adjusting one’s emotion as per situation
(e) Being creative and open to criticism
(f) Accepting other people as they are
Choose your answer from the options given below:
i ➥ (a), (d) and (f)
ii ➥ (d), (e) and (f)
iii ➥ (a), (b) and (c)
iv ➥ (b), (c) and (d)

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Answer: i
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Q8➡ |Learner Characteristics
Dyslexia is associated with
i ➥ mental disorder
ii ➥ behavioral disorder
iii ➥ reading disorder
iv ➥ writing disorder

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Answer: iii
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Q9➡ |Learner
Which of the following is not a product of learning?
i ➥ Attitudes
ii ➥ Concepts
iii ➥ Knowledge
iv ➥ Maturation

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Answer: iv
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Q10➡ |Learner
Attitudes, concepts, skills and knowledge are products of:
i ➥ Learning
ii ➥ Research
iii ➥ Heredity
iv ➥ Explanation

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Answer: i
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Q11➡ |Learner
Value-education stands for:
i ➥ making a student healthy
ii ➥ making a student to get a job
iii ➥ inculcation of virtues
iv ➥ all-round development of personality

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Answer: iii
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Q12➡ |Learner
The most appropriate purpose of learning is:
i ➥ personal adjustment
ii ➥ modification of behaviour
iii ➥ social and political awareness
iv ➥ preparing oneself for employment

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Answer: ii
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Q13➡ |Learner
Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of:
i ➥ Aptitudes
ii ➥ Skills
iii ➥ Attitudes
iv ➥ Relationship

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Answer: ii
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Q14➡ |Learner
Education is a powerful instrument of:
i ➥ Social transformation
ii ➥ Personal transformation
iii ➥ Cultural transformation
iv ➥ All the above

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Answer: iv
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