Regular Languages Questions-Answers- Theory of Computation

Q1➡ |Regular Languages
A regular language over an alphabet a is one that can be obtained from
i ➥ kleene
ii ➥ concatenation
iii ➥ union
iv ➥ All of the mentioned

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Answer: iv
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Q2➡ |Regular Languages
Regular expression {0,1} is equivalent to
i ➥ 0 / 1
ii ➥ 0 + 1
iii ➥ 0 U 1
iv ➥ All of the mentioned

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Answer: iv
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Q3➡ |Regular Languages
Precedence of regular expression in decreasing order is
i ➥ + , a , *
ii ➥ . , + , *
iii ➥ . , * , +
iv ➥ *, . , +

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Answer: iv
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Q4➡ |Regular Languages
Regular expression Φ* is equivalent to
i ➥ Φ
ii ➥ 0
iii ➥ ϵ
iv ➥ 1

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Answer: iii
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Q5➡ |Regular Languages
a? is equivalent to
i ➥ a+ϵ
ii ➥ a+Φ
iii ➥ a
iv ➥ wrong expression

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Answer: i
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Q6➡ |Regular Languages
ϵL is equivalent to
i ➥
ii ➥ L
iii ➥ Φ
iv ➥ both i and ii

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Answer: iv
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Q7➡ |Regular Languages
(a+b)* is equivalent to
i ➥ (b*a*)*
ii ➥ b*a*
iii ➥ a*b*
iv ➥ none of the above

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Answer: i
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Q8➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following pair of regular expression are not equivalent?
i ➥ (ab)* and a*b*
ii ➥ x+ and x*x+
iii ➥ x(xx)* and (xx)*x
iv ➥ 1(01)* and (10)*1

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Answer: i
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Q9➡ |Regular Languages
Consider following regular expression
ii) (a*/b*)*
iii) ((ϵ/a)b*)*
Which of the following statements is correct
i ➥ i,ii are equal and i,iii are not
ii ➥ ii,iii are equal and i,ii are not
iii ➥ i,ii are equal and ii,iii are not
iv ➥ all are equal

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Answer: iv
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Q10➡ |Regular Languages
There are __ tuples in finite state machine.
i ➥ 6
ii ➥ 4
iii ➥ 5
iv ➥ unlimited

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Answer: iii
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Q11➡ |Regular Languages
Transition function maps.
i ➥ Q * Σ -> Q
ii ➥ Σ * Σ -> Q
iii ➥ Q * Q -> Σ
iv ➥ Σ * Q -> Σ

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Answer: i
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Q12➡ |Regular Languages
Number of states require to accept string ends with 10.
i ➥ 1
ii ➥ 2
iii ➥ 3
iv ➥ 4

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Answer: iii
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Q13➡ |Regular Languages
Extended transition function is .
i ➥ Q* * Σ* -> Σ
ii ➥ Q * Σ -> Σ
iii ➥ Q * Σ -> Q
iv ➥ Q * Σ* -> Q

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Answer: iv
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Q14➡ |Regular Languages
.δ*(q,ya) is equivalent to .
i ➥ δ(δ*(q,y),a)
ii ➥ δ(q,ya)
iii ➥ independent from δ notation
iv ➥ δ((q,y),a)

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Answer: i
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Q15➡ |Regular Languages
String X is accepted by finite automata if .
i ➥ δ*(Q0,x) E A
ii ➥ δ(q,x) E A
iii ➥ δ(Q0,x) E A
iv ➥ δ*(q,x) E A

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Answer: i
If automata starts with starting state and after finite moves if reaches to final step then it called accepted.

Q16➡ |Regular Languages
Languages of a automata is
i ➥ If it halts
ii ➥ If it is accepted by automata
iii ➥ If automata touch final state in its life time
iv ➥ All language are language of automata

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Answer: ii
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Q17➡ |Regular Languages
Language of finite automata is.
i ➥ Type 3
ii ➥ Type 2
iii ➥ Type 1
iv ➥ Type 0

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Answer: i
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Q18➡ |Regular Languages
Finite automata requires minimum____ number of stacks.
i ➥ 1
ii ➥ 2
iii ➥ 0
iv ➥ 3

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Answer: iii
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Q19➡ |Regular Languages
Number of final state require to accept Φ in minimal finite automata.
i ➥ 3
ii ➥ 2
iii ➥ 1
iv ➥ No final state requires

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Answer: iv
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Q20➡ |Regular Languages
How many DFA’s exits with two states over input alphabet {0,1} ?
i ➥ 64
ii ➥ 32
iii ➥ 16
iv ➥ 26

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Answer: i
Explanation: 2n * n(2*n)=Number of DFA’s

Q21➡ |Regular Languages
The basic limitation of finite automata is that
i ➥ It sometimes fails to recognize regular grammar.
ii ➥ It can remember arbitrary large amount of information
iii ➥ It can’t remember arbitrary large amount of information
iv ➥ It sometimes recognize grammar that are not regular

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Answer: iii
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Q22➡ |Regular Languages
Regular expression for all strings starts with ab and ends with bba is.
i ➥ ab(a+b)*bba
ii ➥ ab(ab)*bba
iii ➥ ababbba
iv ➥ All of the Above

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Answer: i
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Q23➡ |Regular Languages
Number of states require to simulate a computer with memory capable of storing ‘3’ words each of length ‘8’.
i ➥ 2(3+8)
ii ➥ 2(3*8)
iii ➥ 3 * 28
iv ➥ 3 * 38

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Answer: ii
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Q24➡ |Regular Languages
FSM with output capability can be used to add two given integer in binary representation. This is
i ➥ true
ii ➥ false
iii ➥ may be true
iv ➥ can’t say anything

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Answer: i
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Q25➡ |Regular Languages
L is a regular Language if and only If the set of__________classes of IL is finite.
i ➥ Myhill
ii ➥ Nerode
iii ➥ Reflexive
iv ➥ Equivalence

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Answer: iv
According to Myhill Nerode theorem, the corollary proves the given statement correct for equivalence classes.

Q26➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following does not represents the given language?
Language: {0,01}
i ➥ {0} ^ {01}
ii ➥ {0} U {0}{1}
iii ➥ {0} U {01}
iv ➥ 0+01

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Answer: i
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Q27➡ |Regular Languages
According to the given language, which among the following expressions does it corresponds to?
Language L={xϵ{0,1}|x is of length 4 or less}
i ➥ (0+1)4
ii ➥ (01)4
iii ➥ (0+1+ε)4
iv ➥ (0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1)4

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Answer: iii
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Q28➡ |Regular Languages
Which among the following looks similar to the given expression?
((0+1). (0+1)) *
i ➥ {xϵ {0,1} |x is all binary number with odd length}
ii ➥ {xϵ {0,1} *|x is all binary number with even length}
iii ➥ {xϵ {0,1} |x is all binary number with even length}
iv ➥ {xϵ {0,1} *|x is all binary number with odd length}

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Answer: ii
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Q29➡ |Regular Languages
Concatenation Operation refers to which of the following set operations:
i ➥ Dot
ii ➥ Kleene
iii ➥ Union
iv ➥ none

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Answer: i
Concatenation operation AB = A•B = {xy: x ∈ A & y ∈ B}.

Q30➡ |Regular Languages
Concatenation of R with Ф outputs:
i ➥ Ф
ii ➥ R
iii ➥ R.Ф
iv ➥ i and ii

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Answer: i
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Q31➡ |Regular Languages
RR* can be expressed in which of the forms:
i ➥ R
ii ➥ R+ U R-
iii ➥ R+
iv ➥ R-

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Answer: iii
means the occurrence to be at least once RR*=R+ as R+

Q32➡ |Regular Languages
The Language L = {ap| p is prime } is :
i ➥ regular
ii ➥ accepted by NFA with ε
iii ➥ not regular
iv ➥ none of the above

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Answer: iii
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Q33➡ |Regular Languages
If L1 and L2 are two regular language defined as
L1 = (000, 001, 0, 010) and L2 = ( 00, 01, 0), then the number of strings in L1 ∪ L2 will be
i ➥ 8
ii ➥ 7
iii ➥ 6
iv ➥ 5

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Answer: iii
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Q34➡ |Regular Languages
If L1 and L2 are context free language and R is a regular set. Which one of the languages below is not necessarily a context free language?
i ➥ L1∪L2
ii ➥ L1∪R
iii ➥ L1∩L2
iv ➥ L1L2

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Answer: iii
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Q35➡ |Regular Languages
Which one of the following is TRUE?
i ➥ Every regular grammar is not LL(1) and every regular set has an LR(1) grammar
ii ➥ Every regular grammar is LL(1) and every regular has an LR(1) grammar
iii ➥ Every regular grammar is not LL(1) and every regular set does not have an LR(1) grammar
iv ➥ Every regular grammar is LL(1) and every regular set does not have an LR(1) grammar

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Answer: i
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Q36➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following is true?
i ➥ Infinite union of finite set is regular
ii ➥ The union of two non regular set is not regular
iii ➥ Every finite subset of non-regular set is regular
iv ➥ Every subset of a regular set is regular

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Answer: iii
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Q37➡ |Regular Languages

If L is the regular language denoted by T= (w + x*)(ww)*, then the regular language h(L) is given by
i ➥ (zxyy + (xzy)* (zxyy zxyy)
ii ➥ (zxyy + xyz) (zxyy)*
iii ➥ (zxyy + (xzy)*) (zxyy zxyy)*
iv ➥ (z x yy + xy) (z x yy)

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Answer: iii
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Q38➡ |Regular Languages
Given the following two languages :
L1 = {uwwRν | u, v, w ∈ {a, b}+}
L2 = {uwwRν | u, ν, w ∈ {a, b}+, |u| > |ν|}
Which of the following is correct ?
i ➥ L1 is not regular language and L2 is regular language.
ii ➥ L1 is regular language and L2 is not regular language.
iii ➥ Both L1 and L2 are not regular languages.
iv ➥ Both L1 and L2 are regular languages

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Answer: ii
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Q39➡ |Regular Languages
The regular grammar for the language L = {anbm | n + m is even} is given by
i ➥
S → S1 | S2
S1 → a S1| A1
A1 → b A1| λ
S2 → aaS2| A2
A2 → b A2| λ
ii ➥
S → S1 | S2
S1 → a S1| aA1
S2 → aaS2 | A2
A1 → b A1| λ
A2 → b A2| λ
iii ➥
S → S1 | S2
S1 → aaa S1| aA1
S2 → aaS2| A2
A1 → b A1| λ
A2 → b A2| λ
iv ➥
S → S1 | S2
S1 → aa S1 | A1
S2 → aaS2 | aA2
A1 → bbA1 | λ
A2 → bbA | b

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Answer: iv
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Q40➡ |Regular Languages
Consider the following two languages : L1 = {0i1j| gcd (i, j) = 1} L2 is any subset of 0*. Which of the following is correct ?
i ➥ L1 is not regular and L2* is regular
ii ➥ L1 is regular and L2* is not regular
iii ➥ Both L1 and L2* are not regular languages
iv ➥ Both L1 and L2* are regular languages

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Answer: i
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Q41➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following are not regular?
(1) Strings of even number of a’s.
(2) Strings of a’s, whose length is a prime number.
(3) Set of all palindromes made up of a’s and b’s.
(4) Strings of a’s whose length is a perfect square.
i ➥ (1) and (2) only
ii ➥ (1), (2) and (3) only
iii ➥ (2), (3) and (4) only
iv ➥ (2) and (4) only

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Answer: iii
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Q42➡ |Regular Languages
Pumping lemma for regular language is generally used for proving:
i ➥ a given grammar is not regular
ii ➥ a given grammar is regular
iii ➥ a given grammar is ambiguous
iv ➥ whether two given regular expressions are equivalent

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Answer: i
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Q43➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following language is regular :
i ➥ L = { an bm cn|n, m ≥ 1 }
ii ➥ L = { an bm|n, m ≥ 1 }
iii ➥ L = { an bm cn dm|n, m ≥ 1 }
iv ➥ L = { an bn| n ≥ 1 }

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Answer: ii
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Q44➡ |Regular Languages
Consider the set of all words over the alphabet {x, y, z} where the number of y’s is not divisible by 2 or 7 and no x appears after a z. This language is:
i ➥ recursively enumerable but not context-free
ii ➥ context-free but not regular
iii ➥ not known to be regular
iv ➥ regular

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Answer: iv
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Q45➡ |Regular Languages
Given the following statements :
S1 : If L is a regular language then the language {uv | u ∈ L, v ∈ LR} is also regular.
S2 : L = {wwR} is regular language. Which of the following is true ?
i ➥ S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
ii ➥ S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
iii ➥ S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
iv ➥ S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.

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Answer: ii
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Q46➡ |Regular Languages
Consider the following two languages :
L1 = {an bl ak | n + l + k>5 }
L2 = {an bl ak | n>5, l >3, k≤ l }
Which of the following is true ?
i ➥ L1 is not regular language and L2 is regular language
ii ➥ Both L1 and L2 are not regular languages.
iii ➥ Both L1 and L2 are regular languages.
iv ➥ L1 is regular language and L2 is not regular language.

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Answer: iv
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Q47➡ |Regular Languages
Consider R to be any regular language and L1 .L2 be any two context-free languages Which one of the following is correct ?
i ➥ L 1 ⋂ L 2 is context free
ii ➥ L 1 is context free
iii ➥ L 1 − R is context free
iv ➥ (L 1 ⋃ L 2 ) − R is context free

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Answer: iii
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Q48➡ |Regular Languages
The regular grammar for the language
L = {w|na(w) and nb(w) are both even,
w ∈ {a, b}*} is given by :
(Assume, p, q, r and s are states)
i ➥ p → aq | br, q → bs | ap
r → as | bp, s → ar | bq p is both initial and final states
ii ➥ p → aq | br | λ, q → bs | ap
r → as | bp, s → ar | bq p is both initial and final states.
iii ➥ p → aq | br, q → bs | ap
r → as | bp, s → ar | bq, p and s are initial and final states.
iv ➥ p → aq | br | λ, q → bs | ap
r → as | bp, s → ar | bq, p and s are initial and final states.

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Answer: ii
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Q49➡ |Regular LanguagesConsider the following two languages:
L 1 = {x | for some y with | y| = 2|x| ,xy∈ L and L is regular language}
L 2 = { x | for some y such that |x| = |y|, xy∈ L and L is regular language}
Which one of the following is correct?
i ➥ Only L 2 is regular language
ii ➥ Only L 1 is regular language
iii ➥ Both L 1 and L 2 are not regular languages
iv ➥ Both L 1 and L 2 are regular languages

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Answer: iv
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Q50➡ |Regular Languages
Let R1 and R2 be regular sets defined over the alphabet, then
i ➥ R1 * is not regular
ii ➥ Σ * – R1 is regular
iii ➥ R1 ∪ R2 is not regular
iv ➥ R1 ∩ R2 is not regular

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Answer: ii
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Q51➡ |Regular Languages
Consider R to be any regular language and L1.L2 be any two context-free languages

Which one of the following is correct ?
i ➥
ii ➥
iii ➥
iv ➥

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Answer: ii
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Q52➡ |Regular Languages
Regular sets are closed under
i ➥ Kleene’s closure
ii ➥ Union
iii ➥ Concatenation
iv ➥ All

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Answer: iv
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Q53➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following statements is correct?
i ➥ A={anbn |n= 0,1,2,3..} is regular language
ii ➥ L(A*B*) ∩ B gives the set A
iii ➥ Set B of all strings of equal number of a’s and b’s defines a regular language
iv ➥ none of these

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Answer: iv
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Q54➡ |Regular Languages
The finite state machine given in figure below recognizes :
i ➥ any string of odd number of a’s
ii ➥ any string of odd number of b’s
iii ➥ any string of even number of a’s and odd number of b’s
iv ➥ any string of odd number of a’s and odd number of b’s

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Answer: iv
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Q55➡ |Regular Languages
Two finite state machines are said to be equivalent if they :
i ➥ Have the same number of states and edges
ii ➥ Recognize the same set of tokens
iii ➥ Have the same number of states
iv ➥ Have the same number of edges

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Answer: ii
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Q56➡ |Regular Languages
Choose the correct statement:
i ➥ L(A * B) ∩ B gives the set A
ii ➥ The set B, consisting of all strings made up of only a’s and b’s having an equal number of a’s and b’s defines a regular language
iii ➥ A = {an bn | n = 1, 2, 3, …. } is a regular language
iv ➥ None of the above

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Answer: iv
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Q57➡ |Regular Languages
All subsets of regular sets are regular.
i ➥ TRUE
ii ➥ FALSE

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Answer: ii
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Q58➡ |Regular Languages
Regularity is preserved under the operation of string reversal.
i ➥ TRUE
ii ➥ FALSE

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Answer: i
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Q59➡ |Regular Languages
Choose the correct alternatives (More than one may be correct). Let R1 and R2 be regular sets defined over the alphabet Σ Then:
i ➥ R1 ∪ R2 is regular.
ii ➥ Σ* − R1 is regular.
iii ➥ R1 ∩ R2 is not regular.
iv ➥ R1* is not regular.

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Answer: A and B correct
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Q60➡ |Regular Languages IMP*
Consider the following statements.
A. If L1 ∪ L2 is regular, then both L1 and L2 must be regular.
B. The class of regular languages is closed under infinite union.
Which of the above statements is/are TRUE?
i ➥ A only
ii ➥ B only
iii ➥ Both A and B
iv ➥ Neither A nor B

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Answer: iv
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Q61➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following statements is false?
i ➥ The intersection of two regular sets is regular
ii ➥ Every finite subset of a regular set is regular
iii ➥ Every subset of a regular set is regular
iv ➥ Every finite subset of a non-regular set is regular

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Answer: iii
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Q62➡ |Regular Languages
Consider the following languages:
L1 = {ww|w ∈ {a,b}*}
L2 = {wwR|w ∈ {a,b}*, wR is the reverse of w}
L3 = {02i|i is an integer}
L4 = {0i2|i is an integer}
Which of the languages are regular?
i ➥ Only L3
ii ➥ Only L1 and L2
iii ➥ Only L2, L3 and L4
iv ➥ Only L3 and L4

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Answer: i
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Q63➡ |Regular Languages
If s is a string over (0 + 1)* then let n0(s) denote the number of 0’s in s and n1(s) the number of 1’s in s. Which one of the following languages is not regular?
i ➥ L = {s ∈ (0+1)* | n0(s) mod 7 = n1(s) mod 5 = 0}
ii ➥ L = {s ∈ (0+1)* |n0(s) – n1(s)| ≤ 4}
iii ➥ L = {s ∈ (0+1)* | for every prefix s’ of s,|n0(s’) – n1(s’)| ≤ 2}
iv ➥ L = {s ∈ (0+1)* | n0(s) is a 3-digit prime}

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Answer: ii
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Q64➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following languages is regular?
i ➥ {xwwR|x, w ∈ {0,1}+}
ii ➥ {wxwR|x, w ∈ {0,1}+}
iii ➥ {wwRx|x, w ∈ {0,1}+}
iv ➥ {wwR|w ∈ {0,1}+}

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Answer: ii
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Q65➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following is TRUE?
i ➥ Infinite union of finite sets is regular.
ii ➥ The union of two non-regular sets is not regular.
iii ➥ Every finite subset of a non-regular set is regular.
iv ➥ Every subset of a regular set is regular

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Answer: iii
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Q66➡ |Regular Languages
Let P be a regular language and Q be a context-free language such that Q ⊆ P. (For example, let P be the language represented by the regular expression p*q* and Q be [pnqn | n ∈ N]). Then which of the following is ALWAYS regular?
i ➥ Σ* – Q
ii ➥ Σ* – P
iii ➥ P – Q
iv ➥ P ∩ Q

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Answer: ii
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Q67➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following language is/are regular ?
L1: {wxwR ⎪ w, x ∈ {a, b}* and ⎪w⎪, ⎪x⎪ >0} wR is the reverse of string w
L2: {anbm ⎪m ≠ n and m, n≥0}
L3: {apbqcr ⎪ p, q, r ≥ 0}
i ➥ L3 only
ii ➥ L2 only
iii ➥ L1 and L3 only
iv ➥ L2 and L3 only

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Answer: iii
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Q68➡ |Regular Languages
Language L1 is defined by the grammar: S1 → aS1b|ε
Language L2 is defined by the grammar: S2 → abS2|ε
Consider the following statements:
P: L1 is regular
Q: L2 is regular

Which one of the following is TRUE?
i ➥ Both P and Q are false
ii ➥ P is false and Q is true
iii ➥ P is true and Q is false
iv ➥ Both P and Q are true

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Answer: ii
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Q69➡ |Regular Languages
Which of the following languages is generated by the given grammar?
S→ aS|bS|ε
i ➥ {a,b}*
ii ➥ {anbm |n,m ≥ 0}
iii ➥ {w ∈ {a,b}* | w has equal number of a’s and b’s}
iv ➥ {an |n ≥ 0}∪{bn |n ≥ 0}∪{an b(sup>n|n ≥ 0}

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Answer: i
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Q70➡ |Regular Languages
For Σ = {a,b}, let us consider the regular language L = {x|x = a2+3k or x = b10+12k, k ≥ 0}. Which one of the following can be a pumping length (the constant guaranteed by the pumping lemma) for L?
i ➥ 4
ii ➥ 8
iii ➥ 6
iv ➥ 24

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Answer: iv
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Q71➡ |Regular Languages
If L is a regular language over Σ = {a,b}, which one of the following languages is NOT regular?
i ➥ L ∙ LR = {xy │ x ∈ L, yR ∈ L}
ii ➥ Prefix (L) = {x ∈ Σ*│∃y ∈ Σ* such that xy ∈ L}
iii ➥ {wwR │w ∈ L}
iv ➥ Suffix (L) = {y ∈ Σ* such that xy ∈ L}

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Answer: iii
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You should also practice on below topics
Regular Language Mode
Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA),
Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NDFA),
Equivalence of DFA and NDFA,
Regular Languages,
Regular Grammars,
Regular Expressions,

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