Classification of research UGC NET

Q1➡ | NET PAPER-1 JUNE 2021
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Exploratory studies mainly aim at developing hypotheses or questions for further research.
Statement II: The goal of formal study is to test the hypotheses or answer the questions posed.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
i ➥ Both Stetement I and Statement II are false
ii ➥ Both Stetement I and Statement II are true
iii ➥ Stetement I is false but Statement II are true
iv ➥ Stetement I is true but Statement II are false
Answer –II
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Q2➡ | NET PAPER-1 JUNE 2021
Which among the follwing methods is commonly used in anthropological research?
i ➥ Case study method
ii ➥ Ethnographic method
iii ➥ Life history method
iv ➥ Survey method
Answer – II
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Q3➡ | NET Nov 2020 24 Sept Shift-I
Which one of the following research procedures will figure under a post positivist approach?
i ➥ Normative survey
ii ➥ Experimental study
iii ➥ Ethnographic study
iv ➥ Ex post facto study

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Answer: iii
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Q4➡ | NET Nov 2020 24 Sept Shift-I
A college teacher plans a research programme in which he/she intends to improve the socio-emotional aspect of his/her classroom climate during teaching which one of the following research methods will be considered appropriate in this context?
i ➥ Experimental method
ii ➥ Descriptive method
iii ➥ Historical method
iv ➥ Action research method

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Answer: iv
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Q5➡ | NET Nov 2020 24 Sept Shift-I
The personalistic styles of writing a research report are permissible in which of the following research?
A. Grounded theory research
B. Experimental research
C. Participant- observation based research
D. Historical research
E. Case study research
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ A, B and C only
ii ➥ B, C and D only
iii ➥ C, D and E only
iv ➥ A, C and E only

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Answer: iv
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Q6➡ | NET Nov 2020 24 Sept Shift-II
A teacher proposes to find out the effect of praise and encouragement during a teaching learning session based on Skinner՚s theory of reinforcement. What type of research will it belong to?
i ➥ Fundamental research
ii ➥ Evaluative research
iii ➥ Action research
iv ➥ Applied research

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Answer: iv
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Q7➡ | NET Nov 2020 24 Sept Shift-II
Given below are two statements
Statement I: All research adds to the corpus of knowledge by advancing a theory
Statement II: The focus of action research is basically on the amelioration of prevalent practices
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false
iii ➥ Statement I is true but Statement II is false
iv ➥ Statement I is false but Statement II is true

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Answer: iv
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Q8➡ | NET Nov 2020 25 Sept Shift-I
Which of the following research is intervention-based, cyclic in nature and improvement focused?
i ➥ Case study research
ii ➥ Survey research
iii ➥ Experimental research
iv ➥ Action research

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Answer: iv
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Q9➡ | NET Nov 2020 25 Sept Shift-I
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Empirico-inductive paradigm in research focuses on meaning-giving subjective perspectives to depict reality
Reason R: The purpose of research in this paradigm is not to arrive at generalizations but to discover the reality as lived
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below
i ➥ Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
ii ➥ Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
iii ➥ A is correct but R is not correct
iv ➥ A is not correct but R is correct

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Answer: i
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Q10➡ | NET Nov 2020 25 Sept Shift-II
Which of the following are features of the qualitative research paradigm?
A. The research is concerned with understanding the social phenomena from the participant՚s perspective
B. It seeks to establish relationships, among variables and explains the causes of changes in measured social facts
C. It is conducted in actual settings as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument
D. It is concerned with the process rather than simply with outcomes or products
E. It attempts to establish universal context-free generalization
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ A, B and C only
ii ➥ B, C and D only
iii ➥ A, C and D only
iv ➥ C, D and E only

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Answer: iii
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Q11➡ | NET Nov 2020 29 Sept Shift-II
Identify the features of scientific method from the following list
A. Clearly defined variables and procedures
B. Empirically verifiable hypotheses
C. Little or no scope for self-correction
D. Linguistic justification of conclusions
E. Ability to rule out rival hypotheses
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ A, B and E only
ii ➥ B, C and D only
iii ➥ C, D and E only
iv ➥ B, D and E only

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Answer: i
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Q12➡ | NET Nov 2020 29 Sept Shift-II
A university teacher proposes a research project on why parents are apathetic to the university programmes. Which of the following research methods will be most appropriate for the project?
i ➥ Experimental method
ii ➥ Historical method
iii ➥ Participant-observation method
iv ➥ Ex post facto method

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Answer: iii
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Q13➡ | NET 30-September-2020 Shift – I
Given below are two statements
Statement I: Qualitative research is an umbrella term to refer to various research strategies that share certain characteristics
Statement II: The research-data collected in qualitative research has been termed soft i.e.. , rich in description of people, places and conversation etc.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
Answer – I
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Q14➡ | NET 30-September-2020 Shift – I
For the following research problem, which of the listed research methods will be most appropriate?
“School principals influence on trust: Perspectives of mothers children with disabilities”
i ➥ Experimental method
ii ➥ Focused group discussion (FGD) based method
iii ➥ Descriptive survey method
iv ➥ Ex post facto method
Answer – II
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Q15➡ | NET 30-September-2020 Shift – II
Which of the following features of research are associated with qualitative inquiring?
A. Actual settings as the direct source of data
B. Data collection under controlled conditions
C. Concern with process rather than simply with outcomes
D. Establishing relationships and explaining the causes of changes
E. Concerned with what are called participant perspectives
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ A, C and D only
ii ➥ A, C and E only
iii ➥ B, C and D only
iv ➥ C, D and E only
Answer – II
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Q16➡ | NET 30-September-2020 Shift – II
A university teacher plans to study the performance of students in implementing specific projects in terms of their creativity level ″ .
Which method of research will be appropriate to use in this context?
i ➥ Historical method
ii ➥ Historical method
iii ➥ Experimental method
iv ➥ Ex post facto method
Answer – IV
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Q17➡ | NET 1-October-2020 Shift -I
The research method which focuses on establishing causal relationships with controls among variables – independent, moderator and dependent, is called
i ➥ Ex post facto method
ii ➥ Survey method
iii ➥ Case study method
iv ➥ Experimental method
Answer – IV
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Q18➡ | NET 1-October-2020 Shift -I
What are the characteristic features of the Quantitative Research paradigm?
A. It is Hypothetico-deductive.
B. It is focused on natural settings.
C. It lays stress on generalizations to the population characteristics.
D. It emphasizes numeric data from a large number of people.
E. It says that the literature review plays a minor role but justify the problem.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ A, C and D only
ii ➥ A, B and C only
iii ➥ B, C and D only
iv ➥ C, D and E only
Answer – I
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Q19➡ | NET 1-October-2020 Shift -I
Given below are two statements
Statement I: Qualitative research paradigm emphasizes participant perspectives and uses an Empirico-inductive approach.
Statement II: In the same research project, it is neither possible nor desirable to use both Qualitative and Quantitative research paradigms
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Answer – III
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Q20➡ | NET 9-October-2020 Shift – I
In which method of research the independent variable is manipulated to observe and measure its effect on dependent variable?
i ➥ Ex-post facto method
ii ➥ Experimental method
iii ➥ Case study method
iv ➥ Historical method
Answer – II
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Q21➡ | NET 9-October-2020 Shift – I
Which of the following research forms, aims primarily at putting to use the theoretical advances with an eye on exploring the potential for generalizability?
i ➥ Fundamental research
ii ➥ Evaluative research
iii ➥ Action research
iv ➥ Applied research
Answer – IV
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Q22➡ | NET 9-October-2020 Shift – II
Through which of the following methods of research cause and effect relationship is focused?
i ➥  Historical method
ii ➥ Experimental method
iii ➥  Ex Post facto method
iv ➥ Case study method
Answer – II
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Q23➡ | NET 17-October-2020 Shift I
List I mentions various methods of research while list II offers their description.
Match list I with List II:

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ (A) – (I) , (B) – (II) , (C) -III, (D) – (IV)
ii ➥ (A) – (IV) , (B) – (III) , (C) – (II) , (D) – (I)
iii ➥ (A) – (II) , (B) – (I) , (C) – (IV) , (D) – (III)
iv ➥ (A) – (Ill) , (B) – (IV) , (C) – (I) , (D) – (II)
Answer – IV
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Q24➡ | NET 17-October-2020 Shift I
Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) :
Assertion (A) : Data must be authentic before it can be of any value in a historical research, yet proof of authenticity does not establish ′ its value, it must also be accurate.
Reason (R) : External criticism is, therefore, referred to as lower criticism of the data.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)
iii ➥ (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
iv ➥ (A) is not correct but (R) is correct
Answer – I
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Q25➡ | NET 17-October-2020 Shift – II
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: The goal of inquiry in fundamental research is directed at bringing an increment in the fund of knowledge.
Statement II: Action research is a research by the practitioner, for the practitioner and of the practitioner.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer options given below:
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Answer – I
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Q26➡ | NET 17-October-2020 Shift – II
Which argument may be advanced in support of action research in education?
i ➥ The researcher breaks fresh ground in the field of enquiry.
ii ➥ The knowledge is applied to extend further generalization.
iii ➥ Some new principles are formulated for explaining
iv ➥ The educational situation as well as the practitioner of education undergo a change for the better.
Answer – IV
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Q27➡ | NET 5-November-2020 Shift – II
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Fundamental research is directed at exploring the applicability of truths and principles already established.
Statement II: Action research aims at ameliorating the ongoing conditions and practices.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Answer – IV
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Q28➡ | NET 11-November-2020 Shift – I
Identify the features of qualitative research from the following:
(A) Researcher becomes immersed in the situation present or past
(B) Researcher is detached from the study to avoid bias
(C) It develops context-bound generalizations
(D) It is based on logical positivist philosophy
(E) It uses an emergent research design
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ (A) , (B) and (C) only
ii ➥ (B) , (C) and (D) only
iii ➥ (A) , (C) and (E) only
iv ➥ (C) , (D) and (E) only
Answer – III
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Q29➡ | NET 11-November-2020 Shift – I
In which of the following methods of research, hypotheses are usually implied rather than being explicit?
i ➥ Descriptive survey method
ii ➥ Historical method
iii ➥ Experimental method
iv ➥ Ex-post facto method
Answer – II
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Q30➡ | NET 11-November-2020 Shift – I
Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) :
Assertion (A) : The purpose of research is also to revisit the situations in a bid to ensure needed amelioration and improvement.
Reason (R) : Action research is a format of research which is basically directed at bettering the situations.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
iii ➥ (A) is true but (R) is false
iv ➥ (A) is false but (R) is true
Answer – II
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Q31➡ | NET 11-November-2020 Shift – II
In which of the following, there is a greater flexibility in both the methods and process of research?
i ➥ Ethnography and phenomenology
ii ➥ Descriptive survey and impact studies
iii ➥ Experimental and observation based studies
iv ➥ Expost facto and historical studies
Answer – I
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Q32➡ | NET 11-November-2020 Shift – II
Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): In order to bridge the gap between theory and practice both fundamental and applied research formats have to be promoted.
Reason (R): Fundamental research focuses on theory making and applied research is directed at exploring the applicability of theory in varied practical situations.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)
iii ➥ (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
iv ➥ (A) is not correct but (R) is correct
Answer – I
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Q33➡ | NET December 2019
The purpose of this research is to gain background information, to define terms, to clarify the problems, to develop hypothesis, to establish research priorities and objective and to develop questions with answers.
The above statement is related to which among the following types of research?
i ➥ Experimental research
ii ➥ Exploratory research
iii ➥ Correlational research
iv ➥ Descriptive research
Answer – II
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Q34➡ | NET December 2019
A university teacher plans to improve the study habits of students in his/her class. Which type of research paradigm will be helpful in this regard?
i ➥ Evaluative research paradigm
ii ➥ Fundamental research paradigm
iii ➥ Applied research paradigm
iv ➥ Action research paradigm
Answer – IV
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Q35➡ | NET June 2019
In which of the following research studies interpretation and meaning get more attention than formulation of generalisations?
(A) Historical of studies
(B) Survey studies
(C) Philosophical studies
(D) Ethnographic studies
(E) hypothetico-deductive studies
(F) Ex-post facto studies
Choose your answer from the options given below
i ➥ (A), (B) and (C)
ii ➥ (D), (E) and (F)
iii ➥ (B), (D) and (E)
iv ➥ (A), (C) and (D)
Answer – IV
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Q36➡ | NET June 2019
Through which research method, the manipulation of an independent variable and its effect on the dependent variable is examined with reference to a hypothesis under controlled conditions?
i ➥ Ex-post facto research
ii ➥ Descriptive research
iii ➥ Case study research
iv ➥ Experimental research
Answer – IV
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Q37➡ | NET June 2018
Which of the sets of activities best indicate the cyclic nature of action research strategy?
i ➥ Reflect, Observe, Plan, Act
ii ➥ Observe, Act, Reflect, Plan
iii ➥ Act, Plan, Observe, Reflect
iv ➥ Plan, Act, Observe, Reflect
Answer – IV
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Q38➡ | NET June 2018
There are two sets given below. Set – I specifies the types of research, while Set – II indicates their characteristics. Match the two and give your answer by selecting the appropriate code.
Set-I (Research Types)		Set-II (Characteristics) (a) Fundamental Research	(i) Finding out the extent of perceived impact of an intervention (b) Applied Research	(ii) Developing an effective evaluation through theory building
i ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)
ii ➥ (a)-(v), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
iii ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
iv ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(v)
Answer – I
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Q39➡ | NET June 2018
In the two lists given below, List I provides the types of research methods, while List II indicates the critical features associated with them. Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the code given below.
List-I (Research Method) List-II (Critical features) (a) Ex-post facto method (i) Finding out the status based on a study of a large sample (b) Case study method (ii) Interpretation of thoughts of a great thinker
i ➥ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
ii ➥ (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
iii ➥ (i) (iii) (ii) (v)
iv ➥ (iv) (v) (ii) (i)
Answer – IV
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Q40➡ | NET November 2017
Which of the following research types focuses on ameliorating the prevailing situations?
i ➥ Applied Research
ii ➥ Action Research
iii ➥ Experimental Research
iv ➥ Fundamental Research
Answer – II
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Q41➡ | NET November 2017
A researcher attempts to evaluate the effect of method of feeding on anxiety – proneness children. Which method of research would be appropriate for this?
i ➥ Experimental method
ii ➥ Ex-post-facto method
iii ➥ Survey method
iv ➥ Case study method
Answer – II
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Q42➡ | NET January 2017
In doing action research what is the usual sequence of steps?
i ➥ Reflect, observe, plan, act
ii ➥ Plan, act, observe, reflect
iii ➥ Plan, reflect, observe, act
iv ➥ Act, observe, plan, reflect
Answer – II
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Q43➡ | NET January 2017
Below are given two sets — research methods (Set-I) and data collection tools (Set-II).
Match the two sets and indicate your answer by selecting the correct code:

i ➥ ii i iii iv
ii ➥ iii iv ii i
iii ➥ ii iii i iv
iv ➥ ii iv iii i
Answer – II
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Q44➡ | NET January 2017
The principal of a school conducts an interview session of teachers and students with a view to explore the possibility of their enhanced participation in school programmes. This endeavour may be related to which type of research?
i ➥ Evaluation Research
ii ➥ Fundamental Research
iii ➥ Action Research
iv ➥ Applied Research
Answer – III
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Q45➡ | NET August 2016
Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research?
i ➥ Actual settings are the direct source of data.
ii ➥ Data take the forms of words or pictures.
iii ➥ Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.
iv ➥ Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related to the phenomena.
Answer – III
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Q46➡ | NET August 2016
There are two sets given below, Set-I consists of methods of research and Set-II indicates their procedural characteristics. Match the two sets and choose your answer from the codes given below:
i ➥ i iii iv v vii
ii ➥ iii iv v vi vii
iii ➥ i ii iii iv v
iv ➥ iii vi v ii i
Answer – IV
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Q47➡ | NET July 2016
In qualitative research paradigm, which of the following features may be considered critical?
i ➥ Data collection with standardized research tools.
ii ➥ Sampling design with probability sample techniques.
iii ➥ Data collection with bottom-up empirical evidences.
iv ➥ Data gathering to take with top-down systematic evidences.
Answer – III
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Q48➡ | NET July 2016
A research intends to explore the effect of possible factors for the organization of effective mid-day meal interventions. Which research method will be most appropriate for this study?
i ➥ Historical method
ii ➥ Descriptive survey method
iii ➥ Experimental method
iv ➥ Ex-post facto method
Answer – IV
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Q49➡ | NET December 2015
Which of the following statements is not true in the context of participatory research?
i ➥ It recognizes knowledge as power.
ii ➥ It emphasises on people as experts.
iii ➥ It is a collective process of enquiry.
iv ➥ Its sole purpose is production of knowledge.
Answer – IV
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Q50➡ | NET June 2015
Jean Piaget gave a theory of cognitive development of humans on the basis of his:
i ➥ Evaluation Research
ii ➥ Fundamental Research
iii ➥ Applied Research
iv ➥ Action Research
Answer – II
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Q51➡ | NET December 2014
When planning to do a social research, it is better to
i ➥ Approach the topic with an open mind
ii ➥ Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it
iii ➥ Be familiar with literature on the topic
iv ➥ Forget about theory because this is a very practical
Answer – I
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Q52➡ | NET December 2013
The Principles of fundamental research are used in
i ➥ action research
ii ➥ applied research
iii ➥ philosophical research
iv ➥ historical research
Answer – II
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Q53➡ | NET September 2013
Which one of the following is not a type of experimental method ?
i ➥ Single group experiment
ii ➥ Residual group experiment
iii ➥ Parallel group experiment
iv ➥ Rational group experiment
Answer – II
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Q54➡ | NET September 2013
Read the following statements – one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R) :
Assertion (A) : Qualitative research in India has a long way to go to reach international standards.
Reason (R) : Because the funding agencies do not support qualitative research in academic institutions.
Find the correct answer from the codes given below :
i ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
ii ➥ Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
iii ➥ (A) is true, but (R) is false.
iv ➥ Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer – III
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Q55➡ | NET September 2013
Deconstruction is a popular method of research in
i ➥ Basic Science
ii ➥ Applied Science
iii ➥ Social Science
iv ➥ Literature
Answer – IV
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Q56➡ | NET June 2012
The research that aims at immediate application is
i ➥ Action Research
ii ➥ Empirical Research
iii ➥ Conceptual Research
iv ➥ Fundamental Research
Answer – I
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Q57➡ | NET June 2012
Ex Post Facto research means
i ➥ The research is carried out after the incident
ii ➥ The research is carried out prior to the incident
iii ➥ The research is carried out along with the happening of an incident.
iv ➥ The research is carried out keeping in mind the possibilities of an incident.
Answer – I
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Q58➡ | NET December 2011
Controlled group condition is applied in
i ➥ Survey Research
ii ➥ Historical Research
iii ➥ Experimental Research
iv ➥ Descriptive Research
Answer – IV
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Q59➡ | NET June 2011
Newton gave three basic laws of motion. This research is categorized as
i ➥ Descriptive Research
ii ➥ Sample Survey
iii ➥ Fundamental Research
iv ➥ Applied Research
Answer – IV
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Q60➡ | NET December 2011
A doctor studies the relative effectiveness of two drugs of dengue fever. His research would be classified as
i ➥ Experimental Research
ii ➥ Case Study
iii ➥ Ethnography
iv ➥ Descriptive Survey
Answer – I
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Q61➡ | NET June 2010
Action research means
i ➥ A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
ii ➥ An applied research
iii ➥ A longitudinal research
iv ➥ A research with socioeconomic objective
Answer – I
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Q62➡ | NET June 2010
If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness ? This will be an example of
i ➥ Action research
ii ➥ Applied Research
iii ➥ Basic Research
iv ➥ None of the above
Answer – II
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Q63➡ | NET December 2009
The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called
i ➥ Mythological research
ii ➥ Philosophical research
iii ➥ Content analysis
iv ➥ Historical research
Answer – IV
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Q64➡ | NET December 2009
Action research is
i ➥ A longitudinal research
ii ➥ A research carried out to solve immediate problems
iii ➥ Simulative research
iv ➥ An applied research
Answer – II
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Q65➡ | NET December 2009
The process not needed in Experimental Researches is
i ➥ Observation
ii ➥ Manipulation
iii ➥ Controlling
iv ➥ Content Analysis
Answer – IV
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Q66➡ | NET December 2009
Manipulation is always a part of
i ➥ Historical research
ii ➥ Fundamental research
iii ➥ Descriptive research
iv ➥ Experimental research
Answer – IV
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Q67➡ | NET June 2009
Action-research is:
i ➥ An applied research
ii ➥ A research carried out to solve immediate problems
iii ➥ A longitudinal research
iv ➥ All the above
Answer – II
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Q68➡ | NET June 2009
Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research?
i ➥ Philosophical research
ii ➥ Action research
iii ➥ Descriptive research
iv ➥ All the above
Answer – IV
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Q69➡ | NET December 2008
The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is:
i ➥ Applied research
ii ➥ Action research
iii ➥ Experimental research
iv ➥ None of these
Answer – III
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Q70➡ | NET December 2008
The process not needed in experimental research is:
i ➥ Observation
ii ➥ Manipulation and replication
iii ➥ Controlling
iv ➥ Reference collection
Answer – IV
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