Correlational research UGC NET Paper 1

Correlational research

The purpose of correlational studies is to explore whether there is any relationship or interdependence between two variables or characteristics, and to ascertain the degree of such relationships.
Correlation is a statistical technique that is used to measure and describe a relationship between two variables. Usually the two variables are simply observed, not manipulated.
The value of correlational research is to discover relationships among phenomena with a view to predict and in some situations, controlling their occurrence.
Much of social sciences research in general and educational research in particular, is concerned with establishing interrelationships among variables.

Correlational have three characteristics of a relationship between two variables

1) The Direction of a Relationship

The correlation measure tells us about the direction of the relationship between the two variables. The direction can be positive or negative.


In a positive relationship both variables tend to move in the same direction: If one variable increases, the other tends to also increase. If one decreases, the other tends to also.

Example: Is there any relationship between exercise and mental Health?

It is an example of Positive relationship. As exercise increases, the other variable also tends to increase.


In a negative relationship the variables tend to move in the opposite directions: If one variable increases, the other tends to decrease, and vice-versa.

Example: Is there any relationship between watching TV and Student performance in School?
It is an example of Negative relationship. As watching TV increases, the other variable also tends to decrease.

2) The Form (Shape) of a Relationship:

The form or shape of a relationship refers to whether the relationship is straight or curved.
this relationship is basic two type Liner and non-liner


A straight relationship is called linear, because it approximates a straight line.

Example: Relationship between age increment and Life experience?
It is a linear relationship. Life experiences increase as the age increase. It is a Straight relation.


A curved relationship is called non-linear, because it approximates a curved line.

Example: Relationship between age increment and Height increment?
It is a non-linear relationship. Height increase as the age increase but after some age height is constant and that makes curve shape

3) The Degree (Strength) of a Relationship:

Strength of a Relationship a correlation coefficient measures the degree (strength) of the relationship between two variables.

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