Objective of Research NTA UGC NET

Objective of Research

Its main aim is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Though each research study has its own specific purpose.
it is a process of enquiry and investigation.

Research objectives may fall into number of following broad categories:

Exploratory or fomulative research:
Gain familiarity with a new phenomenon or develop new insight into a phenomenon.
Descriptive research:
To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or group.
Diagnostic research:
To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else.
Review and synthesize the existing knowledge.
Offer solutions to a problem.
Explore and analyse more general issues.
Construct or create a new procedure or system.
Generate new knowledge.
Its result is a continuous critical investigation.
It is not common to be able to think beyond a grooved channel.
Sustained experimental work needed for discovery is not easily forthcoming.
Most people lack the depth of knowledge needed for it.

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Q1➡ | NET December 2013
Which is the main objective of research?
i ➥ To review the literature
ii ➥ To summarize what is already known
iii ➥ To get an academic degree
iv ➥ To discover new facts or to make fresh interpretation of known facts
Answer –IV
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Q2➡ | NET Paper-1 June 2011
Research is conducted to
A. Generate new knowledge
B.Not to develop a theory
C.Obtain research degree
D.Reinterpret existing knowledge
Which of the above are correct ?
i ➥ A, C & B
ii ➥ C, B & D
iii ➥ B, A & C
iv ➥ A, C & D
Answer –IV
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Q3➡ | NET Paper-1 June 2006
The depth of any research can be judged by:
i ➥ title of the research.
ii ➥ objectives of the research.
iii ➥ total expenditure on the research.
iv ➥ duration of the research.
Answer – II
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Q4➡ | NET Paper-1 December 2004
Which of the following statement is correct ?
i ➥ In research, objectives can be worded in question form
ii ➥ In research, objectives can be worded in statement form
iii ➥ Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis
iv ➥ All the above
Answer –I
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