Quantitative research UGC NET Paper 1

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount.
It is similar to deductive research. It is also termed as linear research as it typically follows a linear path.

1. Stating with testable hypothesis.
2. Collection of data.
3. Analysing the data.
4. Accepting or rejecting the hypothesis.
Quantitative research involves collecting and converting data into numerical form.
It is applicable to objective assessment of phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity.
It follows positivism approach of research.
Quantitative research is basically deductive in nature i.e. the research moves from theory to specific.
The focus of quantitative research on Final results/findings.
Also called rigid research/ fixed research/structured research/Linear Research.
Review of literature plays major role in quantitative research.
Since, it uses probability sampling technique to collect sample data, it has large sample size.

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