Regular Grammars Questions-Answers – Theory of Computation

Q1➡ |Regular Grammars
Consider the grammar given below
S → x B | y A
A → x | x S | y A A
B → y | y S | y B B
Consider the following strings.
(i) xxyyx
(ii) xxyyxy
(iii) xyxy
(iv) yxxy
(v) yxx
(vi) xyx
Which of the above strings are generated by the grammar ?
i ➥ (i), (iii), and (iv)
ii ➥ (ii), (iii), and (iv)
iii ➥ (ii), (v), and (vi)
iv ➥ (i), (ii), and (iii)

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Answer: ii
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Q2➡ |Regular Grammars
The two grammars given below generate a language over the alphabet {x, y, z}
G1: S → x|z|xS|zS|yB
B → y|z|yB|zB
G2: S → y|z|yS|zS|xB

B → y|yS
Which one of the following choices describes the properties satisfied by the strings in these languages?
i ➥
G1 : No y appears after any x
G2 : Every y is followed by at least one x
ii ➥
G1 : No y appears after any x
G2 : Every x is followed by at least one y
iii ➥
G1 : No y appears before any x
G2 : No x appears before any y
iv ➥
G1 : No y appears before any x
G2 : Every x is followed by at least one y

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Answer: iv
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Q3➡ |Regular Grammars
Consider an ambiguous grammar G and its disambiguated version D. Let the language recognized by the two grammars be denoted by L(G) and L(D) respectively. Which one of the following is true ?
i ➥ L (D) = L (G)
ii ➥ L (D) ⊂ L (G)
iii ➥ L (D) ⊃ L (G)
iv ➥ L (D) is empty

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Answer: i
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Q4➡ |Regular Grammars
Which of the following conversions is not possible (algorithmically)?
i ➥ Non-deterministic Turing machine to deterministic Turing machine
ii ➥ Non-deterministic PDA to deterministic PDA
iii ➥ Non-deterministic FSA to deterministic FSA
iv ➥ Regular grammar to context free grammar

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Answer: ii
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Q5➡ |Regular Grammars
In the following grammar
X ::= X ⊕ Y/Y
Y ::= Z * Y/Z
Z ::= id
Which of the following is true?
i ➥ ‘⊕’ is left associative while ‘*’ is right associative
ii ➥ ‘⊕’ is right associative while ‘*’ is left associative
iii ➥ Both ‘⊕’ and ‘*’ is left associative
iv ➥ None of the above

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Answer: i
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Q6➡ |Regular Grammars
A grammar that is both left and right recursive for a non-terminal, is
i ➥ Ambiguous
ii ➥ Unambiguous
iii ➥ Information is not sufficient to decide whether it is ambiguous or unambiguous
iv ➥ None of the above

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Answer: iii
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Q7➡ |Regular Grammars
Given the following expression grammar:
E → E * F | F + E | F
F → F – F | id
which of the following is true?
i ➥ – has higher precedence than *
ii ➥ * has higher precedence than +
iii ➥ +and – have same precedence
iv ➥ +has higher precedence than *

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Answer: i
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Q8➡ |Regular Grammars
Which of the following suffices to convert an arbitrary CFG to an LL(1) grammar?
i ➥ Removing left recursion alone
ii ➥ Factoring the grammar alone
iii ➥ Removing left recursion and factoring the grammar
iv ➥ None of the above

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Answer: iv
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Q9➡ |Regular Grammars
Consider the following grammar G:
S → bS| aA| b
A → bA| aB
B → bB| aS |a
Let Na(w) and Nb(w) denote the number of a’s and b’s in a string w respectively. The language L(G) ⊆ {a, b}+ generated by G is
i ➥ {w|Nb(w) = 3k, k ∈ {0, 1, 2, …}}
ii ➥ {w|Na(w) = 3k, k ∈ {0, 1, 2, …}}
iii ➥ {w|Nb(w) > 3Na(w)}
iv ➥ {w|Na(w) > 3Nb(w)}

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Answer: ii
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Q10➡ |Regular Grammars
Consider the grammar with the following translation rules and E as the start symbol.
E → E1 # T {E.value = E1.value * T.value}
| T {E.value = T.value}
T → T1 & F {T.value = T1.value + F.value}
| F {T.value = F.value}
F → num {F.value = num.value}
Compute E.value for the root of the parse tree for the expression: 2 # 3 & 5 # 6 & 4.
i ➥ 40
ii ➥ 160
iii ➥ 180
iv ➥ 200

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Answer: ii
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Q11➡ |Regular Grammars
Consider the grammar:
E → E + n | E × n | n
For a sentence n + n × n, the handles in the right-sentential form of the reduction are:
i ➥ n, E + n and E × n
ii ➥ n, n + n and n + n × n
iii ➥ n, E + n and E + E × n
iv ➥ n, E + n and E + n × n

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Answer: i
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Q12➡ |Regular Grammars
In the correct grammar of above question, what is the length of the derivation (number of steps starting from S) to generate the string albm with l≠m?
i ➥ max(l, m)+3
ii ➥ l+m+3
iii ➥ l+m+2
iv ➥ max(l,m)+2

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Answer: iv
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Q13➡ |Regular Grammars
Which one of the following grammars generates the language L = {aibj|i≠j}?
i ➥ S→AC|CB
ii ➥ S→aS|Sb|a|b
iii ➥ S→AC|CB
iv ➥ S→AC|CB

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Answer: iv
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Q14➡ |Regular Grammars
Consider the CFG with {S,A,B} as the non-terminal alphabet, {a,b} as the terminal alphabet, S as the start symbol and the following set of production rules:
S → aB S → bA
B → b A → a
B → bS A → aS
B → aBB A → bAA
Which of the following strings is generated by the grammar?
i ➥ abbbba
ii ➥ aabbab
iii ➥ aabbbb
iv ➥ aaaabb

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Answer: ii
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Q15➡ |Regular Grammars
How many strings of length less than 4 contains the language described by the regular expression (x+y)*y(a+ab)*?
i ➥ 7
ii ➥ 10
iii ➥ 12
iv ➥ 11

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Answer: iv
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Q16➡ |Regular Grammars
Which of the following is true?
i ➥ (01)*0 = 0(10)*
ii ➥ (0+1)*0(0+1)*1(0+1) = (0+1)*01(0+1)*
iii ➥ (0+1)*01(0+1)*+1*0* = (0+1)*
iv ➥ All

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Answer: iv
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Q17➡ |Regular Grammars
A language is regular if and only if?
i ➥ Accepted by Turing machine
ii ➥ Accepted by LBA
iii ➥ Accepted by PDA
iv ➥ Accepted by DFA

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Answer: iv
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Q18➡ |Regular Grammars
What is Regular grammar?
i ➥ Context free grammar
ii ➥ Non context free grammar
iii ➥ English grammar
iv ➥ None of the mentioned

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Answer: i
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Q19➡ |Regular Grammars
Let the class of language accepted by finite state machine be L1 and the class of languages represented by regular expressions be L2 then?
i ➥ L1<l2
ii ➥ L1>=L2
iii ➥ L1 U L2 = .*
iv ➥ L1=L2

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Answer: iv
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Q20➡ |Regular Grammars
Which of the following is not a regular expression?
i ➥ [(a+b)*-(aa+bb)]*
ii ➥ [(0+1)-(0b+a1)*(a+b)]*
iii ➥ (01+11+10)*
iv ➥ (1+2+0)*(1+2)*

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Answer: ii
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Q21➡ |Regular Grammars
Regular expression is_______.
i ➥ Type 3 language
ii ➥ Type 2 language
iii ➥ Type 1 language
iv ➥ Type 0 language

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Answer: iv
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Q22➡ |Regular Grammars
Which of the following is true?
i ➥ Infinite times union of finite set is always regular
ii ➥ Union of two non regular set of language is not regular
iii ➥ All finite subsets of non-regular set are always regular
iv ➥ All subsets of a regular set are always regular

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Answer: iii
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Q23➡ |Regular Grammars
L and ~L are recursive enumerable then L is?
i ➥ Recursive
ii ➥ Context sensitive
iii ➥ Regular
iv ➥ Context free

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Answer: i
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Q24➡ |Regular Grammars
Regular expressions are closed under_____.
i ➥ Kleene star
ii ➥ Intersection
iii ➥ Union
iv ➥ All of the mentioned

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Answer: iv
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Q25➡ |Regular Grammars
Which of the following String can be obtained by the language L = {ai b2i / i >=1}?
i ➥ abbabbba
ii ➥ aaaabbbabb
iii ➥ aaabbbbbb
iv ➥ aabbb

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Answer: iii
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Q26➡ |Regular Grammars
Let R1 and R2 be regular sets defined over alphabet ∑ then?
i ➥ R1 UNION R2 is regular
ii ➥ R1 INTERSECTION R2 is regular

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Answer: i
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Q27➡ |Regular Grammars
Give a production grammar for the language L = {x/x ∈ (a,b)*, the number of a’s in x is multiple of 3}.
i ➥ {S->bS, S->b,S->aA, S->bA, A->aB, B->bB, B->aS, S->a}
ii ➥ {S->aS,S->bA,A->bB,B->bBa,B->bB}
iii ➥ {S->aaS,S->bbA,A->bB,B->ba}
iv ➥ None of above

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Answer: i
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Q28➡ |Regular Grammars
The production Grammar is {S->aSbb, S->abb} is?
i ➥ type-0 grammar
ii ➥ type-1 grammar
iii ➥ type-2 grammar
iv ➥ type-3 grammar

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Answer: iii
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Q29➡ |Regular Grammars
The regular expression denote a language comprising all possible strings of even length over the alphabet (0,1) is?
i ➥ (00+0111+10)*
ii ➥ (1+0)
iii ➥ (0+1)(1+0)*
iv ➥ 1 + 0(1+0)*

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Answer: i
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Q30➡ |Regular Grammars
i ➥
ii ➥
iii ➥
iv ➥

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Answer: iii
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You should also practice on below topics
Regular Language Mode
Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA),
Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NDFA),
Equivalence of DFA and NDFA,
Regular Languages,
Regular Grammars,
Regular Expressions,

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