Data Structure Test Set 7

Data Structure Test Set 7

Q31➡ |
How many distinct BSTs can be constructed with 3 distinct keys?
i ➥ 4
ii ➥ 5
iii ➥ 6
iv ➥ 9

Q32➡ |
The following three are known to be the preorder, inorder and postorder sequences of a binary tree. But it is not known which is
Pick the true statement from the following:
i ➥ I and II are preorder and inorder sequences, respectively
ii ➥ I and III are preorder and postorder sequences, respectively
iii ➥ II is the inorder sequence, but nothing more can be said about the other two sequences
iv ➥ II and III are the preorder and inorder sequences, respectively

Q33➡ |
What is the maximum height of any AVL-tree with 7 nodes?
Assume that the height of a tree with a single node is 0.
i ➥ 2
ii ➥ 3
iii ➥ 4
iv ➥ 5

Q34➡ |
Linked question for 34 & 35:
Consider a binary max-heap implemented using an array. Which one of the following array represents a binary max-heap?
i ➥ 25,12,16,13,10,8,14
ii ➥ 25,14,13,16,10,8,12
iii ➥ 25,14,16,13,10,8,12
iv ➥ 25,14,12,13,10,8,16

Q35➡ |
Linked question for 34 & 35:
What is the content of the array after two delete operations on the correct answer to the previous question?
i ➥ 14,13,12,10,8
ii ➥ 14,12,13,8,10
iii ➥ 14,13,8,12,10
iv ➥ 14,13,12,8,10


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