steps of research

steps of research

In this tutorial, we will discuss steps of research in research.

A process of multiple scientific steps in conducting the research work is called Research Process. Each step of the research process is interconnected with other steps.

The research process starts with the research problem and then sequentially goes to the next steps. In General, a research process has 11 steps.

A road map of research process are:

1. Formulating the research problem.

2. Extensive literature survey.

3. Developing the hypothesis.

4. Preparing the research design.

5. Determining sample design.

6. Collecting the data.

7. Execution of the project.

8. Analysis of data.

9. Hypothesis testing.

10. Generalisations and interpretation.

11. Preparation of the report or presentation of the results.

These 11 steps can be summarized within these 8 steps for the better understanding

These 11 steps can be summarized within these 8 steps for the better understanding

steps involved in research process

steps involved in research process:

1) Formulating the research problem.
2) Preparing Research Design.
3) Developing Data Collection Tools.
4) Selecting Samples.
5) Writing a Research Proposal.
6) Collecting Data.
7) Processing and Analysing Data.
8) Writing a Research Report.

Step-1 Formulating the research problem.

Step-2 Preparing Research Design.

Step-3 Developing Data Collection Tools.

Step-4 Selecting Samples.

Step-5 Writing a Research Proposal.

Step-6 Collecting Data.

Step-7 Processing and Analysing Data.

Step-8 Writing a Research Report.

You Should learn Formulating the research problem for Better Performance.

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steps of research

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